Tags: FTP

FTP Anniversary Launches 300+ Scopus Journals Carrying Sustainable Agroindustry Transformation using IoT and AI

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) celebrated its 27th Anniversary with the theme “Advancing Smart and Sustainable Agroindustry by Leveraging IoT and AI” on Friday (1/24/2025). The event took place at the FTP Auditorium from 08.00 AM to 01.00 PM with a series of activities that rich in academic achievements and technological […]

FTP Students Introduce Low-Sugar Porang Flour and Moringa Leaves Noodles in Selorejo Village, Lowokwaru

Five students from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) successfully held a socialization of food innovation in Selorejo Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City, Thursday (12/5/2024). This activity aims to introduce healthy noodles made from low-sugar porang flour and moringa leaves to local PKK members. The student team consisting of Marchella Alifian Amin […]

FTP Lecturer Socializes PSA Technology in Boyolali

In order to support the 2024 Matching Fund (PDP) program, the implementing team held a socialization of the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) tool for biogas purification in Tamansari District, Boyolali Regency. The activity aims to introduce PSA technology as an effective solution to improve biogas quality. The PSA tool is able to separate carbon dioxide […]

FTP Rotary Drying Increases Production Capacity of Rhizome Leaf Spice of Industry Producer

Ngawi Regency has various superior products, including dried spices or herbs that have great potential in the domestic and international markets. However, in order to compete in an increasingly competitive market, product quality must be improved by paying attention to high quality standards. Prof. Dr. Widya Dwi Rukmi Putri, STP, MP from the Faculty of […]

KWT Empowernment of Kotawaringin Barat through Digital Management and Marketing Assistance  by PDP UB Team

The Matching Fund Program (PDP) Team of Universitas Brawijaya in collaboration with the Food Crops, Horticulture, and Animal Husbandry Service (TPHP) of Central Kalimantan Province recently carried out strengthening in the field of digital management and marketing for the Head of Farmer Groups and Head of Women Farmer Groups (KWT) who have wards in Kotawaringin […]

Foto Sosialisasi

Socialization on the Utilization of Family Medicinal Plants with PKK Jatisari Village, Malang Regency

Bina Desa HIMATITAN held a socialization and utilization activity for Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) to PKK and KWT Women of Jatisari Village, Tajinan District, Malang Regency, Saturday (10/5/2024) to improve the quality of ginger powder drink products so that they are better known to the wider community, especially in the packaging used for marketing. In […]

Bina Desa HIMATITAN Helps Jatisari Elementary School Students to Differentiate Organic and Inorganic Waste

The Agricultural Industrial Technology Student Association (HIMATITAN) 2024 held the Bina Desa 2024 activity which took place on Saturday (10/5/2024) to improve the knowledge and skills of residents in processing organic and inorganic waste. SDN Jatisari, Tajinan District, was chosen as one of the locations for the community service activity because the students were less […]

FTP and FILKOM Create Innovation on Plant Recommendation Software Based on Machine Learning

Technological advances have brought revolutions in various sectors, including agriculture. Students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) and the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) collaborated to develop SpectraGrow, a plant recommendation application based on Sentinel-2A satellite data and machine learning that utilizes soil characteristics. This Android application is expected to optimize […]

BERMESA MEA FTP Program Encourages Waste Processing Innovation in Madyopuro

Students of the Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) who are members of Malang Enviro Action (MEA) 2024 have successfully organized the Waste Processing (BERMESA) joint program in RW 03, Madyopuro Village. The program, which focuses on processing organic and inorganic waste, has succeeded in inviting the active participation of the local […]

Ecoclean, Business Opportunity from Coffee Skin Waste at Tirtoyudo Village

In the middle of increasing attention to environmental issues and waste management, Tirtoyudo Village in Malang Regency, East Java, has taken an innovative step by utilizing ecoenzymes sourced from coffee skin waste into ecoclean products. This community service program received support from a grant provided by Paragon Paradesa, an initiative launched by PT Paragon Technology […]

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