To promote awareness about the importance of fostering good relationships with neighbors, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) conducted a community service program at Puncak Permata Sengkalang Housing Complex, Sumbersekar, Dau, Malang. The program targeted the women of Dasawisma Kunyit 2, RT 03/RW 06, focusing on preventing conflicts among residents in the neighborhood. The community service team, led […]
Ngawi Regency has various superior products, including dried spices or herbs that have great potential in the domestic and international markets. However, in order to compete in an increasingly competitive market, product quality must be improved by paying attention to high quality standards. Prof. Dr. Widya Dwi Rukmi Putri, STP, MP from the Faculty of […]
In an effort to raise community awareness and skills in organic waste management, Ngampungan Village, Bareng District, Jombang Regency, recently held a training entitled “Organic Waste Processing into Eco-Enzyme”. This activity was initiated by the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya and targeted the local village PKK mothers’ group as the main participants. This training presented […]
The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FK UB) has successfully carried out community service activities as part of the student elective program. This activity is in the form of reproductive health education for elementary school (SD) children through innovative media in the form of educational game boards. Taking place at the Rois Dahlan Mosque, Kertoraharjo […]
The Maritime and Border Area-Based Resilience Study Group of Universitas Brawijaya Postgraduate School (SP UB) conducted research on the food security of small-scale fishermen on the southern coast of Java Island. The research was conducted in Malang and Probolinggo Regencies since July 2024, chaired by Prof. Dr. Moh. Fadli, SH., MH, and team members consisting […]
Lecturers from Universitas Brawijaya (UB) conducted research related to the development of the blue economy on East Java coastal. They are Dr. Ir. Anthon Efani, MP (Chair), together with Prof. Dr. Asfi Manzilati, ME, and Fitri Candra Wardana, SE, M.ACC. Supported by funding from UB Postgraduate School (SP UB), the research entitled “Implications of Agribusiness […]
Malang, November 11, 2024 – The Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Innovation Grant Team, led by Dr. Hermanto and supported by members Prof. Ifar Subagiyo, Dr. Asri Nurul Huda, Rizki Prafitri, Ph.D., Onni Meirezaldi, MM, and Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru, MP, collaborated with PT. Greenfields Indonesia to develop an innovative solution for producing silage from odot grass. This […]
Lecturers of the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) through the Community Service Grant Program (PKM), in collaboration with village officials, agricultural extension workers, farmer groups, and students provide training to farmers in utilizing chicken manure as compost. The head of the program, Dr. Ir. Cicik Udayana, M.Sc., explained that the purpose of this activity is to […]
Pasuruan, November 2, 2024 – A community service team from the Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB), led by Dr. Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly, S.Pt., MSi, with members Dr. Ir. Aris Sri Widati, MS, and Dr. Premy Puspitawati Rahayu, S.Pt., MP, visited Tutur Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency. The purpose of the visit was to […]
The 2024 Doktor Mengabdi (Dokar) Program, organized by DRPM-UB, held an initiative titled Enhancing Virgin Coconut Oil Productivity through Quality Testing Support and Improvement of Production Facilities for KWT Vigur Asri. The team included Dr. Ir. Erni Yudaningtyas, M.T. from the Faculty of Engineering, Ir. D.J. Djoko H. Santjojo, M.Phil., Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Estri […]