FTP Lecturer Socializes PSA Technology in Boyolali

In order to support the 2024 Matching Fund (PDP) program, the implementing team held a socialization of the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) tool for biogas purification in Tamansari District, Boyolali Regency. The activity aims to introduce PSA technology as an effective solution to improve biogas quality. The PSA tool is able to separate carbon dioxide and water vapor from raw biogas, resulting in biogas with a higher methane content. This technology allows biogas to be used more optimally as an environmentally friendly and sustainable energy source.

In addition to the theoretical presentation, the activity was also filled with a demonstration of the use of the PSA tool. In the demonstration, the purified biogas from the PSA tool was flowed into a specially modified generator as fuel. The demonstration attracted the enthusiasm of the participants when a light successfully turned on, proving the effectiveness of PSA technology in real applications.

“We are very happy to be able to introduce this technology to the community. “Hopefully, this PSA tool will not only be a technological innovation but also a solution that has a direct impact on improving people’s welfare,” said one of the speakers.

Prof. Bambang Susilo hopes that through the design and implementation of PSA, it can become an important milestone in the utilization of renewable energy in Indonesia. Representative of Boyolali DLH, Mr. Elang also expressed his appreciation for this program and hopes that this technology can continue to be developed for the advancement of the region.

This program is part of a long-term effort to encourage the use of environmentally friendly energy and increase public awareness of the importance of sustainable technology, under the leadership and supervision of leading experts in this field.

This program is chaired by Prof. Sri Suhartini, STP. M.Env.Mgt. PhD. PGCert., with technical responsibility under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Susilo, M.Sc.Agr, an expert in the field of renewable energy and mastermind in the development of PSA technology.

This event was also attended by the Environmental Service (DLH) of Boyolali Regency represented by Elang Wahyu Sudiro, S.T., and a number of other stakeholders. The presence of DLH Boyolali shows the local government’s support for the development of environmentally friendly energy technology for rural communities. (dse/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)