Seven young doctors from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FK UB) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Workshop on the Use of Google Forms for midwives and Health cadres in recording and monitoring pregnant women in Pakisaji District as well as refreshing integrated Antenatal Care (ANC) materials. The activity, which was carried out […]
The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya inaugurated 26 specialist doctors from various study programs such as Neurology, Emergency, and Urology, Friday (1/24/2025). This inauguration becomes interesting since it also inaugurates the first 6 specialist doctors from the Emergency Medicine study program. It is known that the Emergency Medicine study program of the Faculty of Medicine […]
Through the international scientific association initiation grant program from the Directorate of Innovation and Educational Development of Universitas Brawijaya (DIPP UB), the AIDS, Toxoplasma, Opportunistic Disease, and Malaria Study Group of the Faculty of Medicine UB (KK ATOM FKUB) held an event to establish “Association of ASEAN Biomedical Science and Medical Technology” on Monday (2/12/2024), […]
The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya again held a Final Dissertation Exam, Monday (6/1/2024) at A Building FK UB. In her dissertation, dr. Laksmi Sasiarini, SpPD-KEMD explained her research entitled “The Effect of Giving Local Variety Brown Rice on Improving Insulin Resistance in Adipose Tissue of Diet-Induced Obesity Model Rats”. Laksmi Sasiarini, SpPD-KEMD who is […]
In the context of community service, lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) dr. Alidha Nur Rakhmani, MSc, Sp.D.L.P, dr. Fitri Indah Sari, Sp.P and dr. Ihda Dian Kusuma, M.Biomed, Sp.PA held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with six Health Centers in Malang City to explore problems and obstacles in implementing the TB program. In […]
In the 2024 Medical Fair held by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing UGM, Innovation from UB lecturer, dr. Domy Pradana Putra, Sp.OT won an achievement in product innovation, one of which is the Load Cell Alarm. Load Cell Alarm which is a rehabilitation aid for people with thigh and leg injuries. According […]
In the annual Pekan Raya Medika 2024 event organized by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK KMK UGM) on 27-28 October 2024, dr. Domy Pradana Putra, Sp.OT from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB) managed to achieve proud achievements by bringing home two champion titles in the categories […]
Indonesia has abundant biodiversity, including various types of herbal plants. Among these herbal plants, there are roots, leaves, rhizomes, and tubers that have various benefits. Until now, many Indonesian people still use these herbal plants, both as basic ingredients for cooking or processed into herbal products in the form of health drinks, such as herbal […]
The Faculty of Medicine Team, Universitas Brawijaya (FK UB) consisting of Dr. Lilik Zuhriyah, SKM, MKes as the Team Leader along with dr. Alidha Nur Rakhmani, MSc, Agwin Fahmi Fahanani, S.T., M.T., Siti Azwa Zafira, Disa Yuni Shabrina Issaray, and six young doctors in collaboration with Wagir Health Center, Malang Regency, conducted training on the […]
As many as five medical students from Universitas Brawijaya on (7/9/2024) won 1st and 2nd place in various fields in the Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO) region 4. By taking home 1st place in 3 categories and taking home 2nd place in 2 categories, UB was confirmed as the overall champion of region 4, as well […]