Tags: FK

STKM Alumni Gives Special Gift to the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University is entering its golden age, namely 50 years. The history of the establishment of the oldest state medical campus in Malang cannot be separated from the history of the establishment of a medical school as its predecessor which also became the forerunner of a medical campus which is now […]

Smart Belt with Infrared Technology, an IoT Based to Relieve Dysmenorrhea

One of Brawijaya University (UB) teams consisting of Latifa Khoirunnisa, Alfin Shidqi, Azizah Irbah Nur Mustafa, and Queen Qamaril Qolby A. T (Faculty of Medicine) and Beni Febriansyah (Faculty of Engineering) had the opportunity to present their research innovation proposal in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) this year. The team chaired by Latifa Khoirunnisa brought […]

Socialization of Female Peer Friends Website

The Community Service Team from the Midwifery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University (FKUB) on this occasion carried out activities packaged with the theme “Website Socialization of Female Peer Friends” which was held on Saturday (9/9/2023) in the Auditorium, GPP FKUB . The Chief Executive of the Community Service Socialization of the Female Peer Friends […]

World Heart Day 2023: Use Heart to Know Heart

Currently, heart and blood vessel disease or cardiovascular disease is still the highest cause of death in the world. WHO states that every year deaths due to cardiovascular disease reach more than 17.8 million. Meanwhile, data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2023 in Indonesia the death rate due to this disease will reach […]

Collaborates with Village Government, FK Makes Efforts to Prevent Stunting in Mendalan Wangi Village, Wagir

In an effort to reduce cases of stunting in Malang Regency, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, through the Community Service team, in collaboration with Mendalanwangi Village Government, Wagir District, carried out Pre-Conception Intervention activities as a method of preventing stunting through preventing early marriage which was held on Thursday (31/8/ 2023). “In this initial […]

Emergency Medicine Specialist Study Program Provides CPR and AED Training to Junior High School Students

In order to empower the community for the initial handling of cases of sudden cardiac arrest outside the hospital (out-of-hospital cardiac arrest/OHCA), the Emergency Medicine Specialist Doctor Education Study Program team, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB), carried out a series of community service activities (community service) entitled School CPR & AED which is centered […]

FK-UB Helps Residents in Kendalpayak Village to Prevent Hypertension and DM

The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FK-UB) in collaboration with Malang Regency held community service activities in villages in Malang Regency, one of which was in Kendalpayak Village, Pakisaji District, Saturday (05/08/2023). Kendalpayak Village is known to have health problems, namely the high number of people with hypertension and diabetes mellitus or diabetes in the […]

UB Participates in the Health Tools Exhibition of the Ministry of Health RI

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) took part in an exhibition of medical tool held by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, (12/7-13/7/2023) at Alila Hotel Solo, Surakarta City. In this exhibition, UB exhibits various health device innovations produced by UB community such as DGscope (digital stethoscope for telemedicine), Telesphorus (mouth camera for teledentistry), Bowell (food calorie measuring bowl), […]

Tanggapan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya Terkait dengan Pesan WA Beruntun (Broadcast Massage) dengan Judul “Nanas 10. 000 X Lebih Kuat Dari Khemoterapi”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. SIARAN PERS Nomor : 23/V/2023     Perkembangan era teknologi dan digitalisasi sering membuat masyarakat saat ini sering menerima informasi yang belum jelas sumber dan faktanya. Kebutuhan akan informasi yang kian meningkat baik itu tentang seputar life style, kesehatan, ekonomi, politik, pendidikan hingga kriminalitas sangat cepat sampai […]

Nasem Amar Syamlan dari Fakultas Kedokteran sebagai Mawapres Utama

Nasem Amar Syamlan, UB Outstanding Student from the Faculty of Medicine

Nasem Amar Syamlan, a student of the Faculty of Medicine was selected as the Main Outstanding Student of Universitas Brawijaya. The process of announcing UB Outstanding Student was held on Monday (10/4/2023) in the Rector’s Building, Universitas Brawijaya, and was attended by several judges and Vice Dean for Student Affairs in the faculty. In his […]

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