The PKM Exact Research Team consisting of Muhammad Dimas Priyastomo, Aisya Rahma, Aqila Aziz, Rachmad Pratama Fauzi, and Muhammad Abdul Lativ together with supervisor Luqman Qurata Aini, SP., M.Si., Ph.D. researching the potential of indigenous bacteria isolated from the digestive tract of H. armigera or Pulat plants as bioremediation agents which can be an effective and efficient alternative for reducing pesticide residue levels.
These bacteria can carry out transformations and degradation of dangerous synthetic compounds through the use of pesticide compounds as their metabolic ingredients. Bioremediation is a remediation technique used to degrade or detoxify organic and inorganic pollutants using biological agents such as bacteria, fungi and algae which is considered an effective, efficient and environmentally friendly alternative method.

The reaction mechanism for using microorganisms as degradation agents is through the esterase hydrolysis process. If chemical compounds are degraded, a number of substances will disappear and form new compounds with simpler structures.
“The research of the Exacta Research PKM Team focuses on looking for the potential of bacteria in degrading residues generated on agricultural land by characterizing the morphology and physiology of bacteria, observing inhibition zones, analyzing residues using LC-MS, molecular identification using PCR, and analyzing insecticide toxicity. said Dimas.
The research team hopes that the results of the exploration and research obtained will become an alternative innovation that can fully contribute to degrading pesticide residues on agricultural land so that it can support sustainable agriculture.
The high use of pesticides with toxic and persistent active ingredients is still an important problem in Indonesia because it can cause many environmental and human health problems.
In 2010, the World Human Organization (WHO) estimated that there were at least 1-5 million cases of pesticide poisoning in agricultural workers with a death rate of up to 22,000.
This impact is caused by broad spectrum pesticides, so they not only control pests on plants but also have a negative impact on the environment. One type of insecticide that has a broad spectrum in controlling pests on plants is organophosphate with the active ingredient profenofos. Profenofos is an organophosphorus insecticide which has a broad spectrum, is systemic, and is known as the most toxic insecticide and is classified as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Increased use of pesticides causes an increase in organophosphate insecticide residues on agricultural land which poses a threat to the health and stability of the ecosystem. (DMS/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)