A team of students from the Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) and the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has successfully developed a new technology called “SMART COMA,” an application capable of detecting the freshness of beef based on color changes. This activity took place at the Animal Product Technology Laboratory, Fapet UB. […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tim Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM PM) 2024 Universitas Brawijaya berhasil lolos pendanaan dikti 2024. Tim ini berhasil menarik perhatian juri dengan inovasi bertajuk ”TRIKOPI : Inovasi Pengolahan Limbah Kulit Kopi menjadi Selai, Teh Celup, dan Briket dengan Mengoptimalkan Kapasitas PKK Desa Pamotan”. Tim […]
Typhoid fever or more commonly known as typhus is a disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi. Typhus is still often found in developing countries located in subtropical and tropical areas such as Indonesia. Data on typhoid fever infection in Indonesia is quite high, reaching 500 cases per 100,000 population per year. Symptoms include prolonged […]
The combination of nursing FIKES and FT students created an innovation that can help accelerate the healing of wounds on the feet of people with diabetes or diabetic ulcers. DIA-WELLFULL is a tool designed to help accelerate the healing of diabetic ulcer wounds that have experienced proliferation. The working system of this tool is by […]
Caries is a bacterial infection that affects the hard tissue of teeth through a chronic regressive process. The 2018 Indonesian Basic Health Data (RISKESDAS) shows that as many as 88.8% of Indonesian population experiences caries. This high prevalence rate makes caries the top 6 disease suffered by society (Ministry of Health of the Republic of […]
The Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources (2014) states that the area of acid dry land in Indonesia is around 107,358 million ha with the dominant distribution being outside the island of Java, such as in Kalimantan with an area of 39,094,313 ha (36.42%), Sumatra 30,934,790 ha (28.81%), and Papua 19,353,332 ha […]
Packaging is an important factor in supporting the shelf life of a food product, to protect the food from a decrease in quality. Packaging in Indonesia generally uses plastic. Based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia produces 17.5 million tons of waste/year in 2023, with the second largest composition of the […]
A number of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) are converting salt industry washing waste into raw materials for electric vehicle batteries. This research was conducted by five students Bintang Dwi Nur Rohmad, Rifqi Fajar Maulana, Uray Keisya Ranaputri, Azhar Fakhri Nugraha and Dewi Sakhinah. Magnesium-ion (Mg-ion) batteries are known to […]
Cervical cancer is a fairly deadly disease. Indonesia is in 8th position as the country with the most cases of cervical cancer in Asia, causing 234,511 million women to die. Thus, cervical cancer is a problem that must be resolved. Currently, the solution that can be provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Lima mahasiswa lintas jurusan dari Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP) dan Fakultas Kesehatan Hewan (FKH) melakukan penelitian “Potensi Formula Ekstrak Serai Dapur dan Cengkeh dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Tungau dan bakteri penyebab penyakit Scabies di bawah bimbingan Prof. Dr. Sucipto, STP. MP. IPU. “Fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana ekstrak […]