Tags: fikes

UB Dietitian Profession First Graduated and Took Dietitian Oath for the RPL Program

The Dietitian Profession Study Program FIKES in collaboration with the East Java DPD Persagi held the Dietitian Oath Procession in the FIKES UB Auditorium Room. The procession began with a report from the Head of the Dietitian Profession Study Program, FIKES UB, Yosfi Rahmi, S.Gz., M.Sc., that the Dietitian Oath was attended by 45 graduates […]

45 New Dietitians FIKES UB Participated in Dietitian Oath Procession

The existence of professional Dietitians nutrition workers is very much needed, based on the consensus results, the target ratio of Health (Nutrition) workers in 2022 is 0.35 per 1000 population. The need for nutrition workers in hospitals, the functional positions of nutritionists and dietitians in 2023 show a ratio of 1:10, plus currently only 2 […]

Respect.Id, Platform by Nursing Students Successfully Collaborates with 3000++ Participants

Respect.Id Indonesia has once again strengthened its role as a leading platform in the fields of education, research, technology, and health by introducing new leadership for 2025. The platform, which was founded by 3 young Nursing Innovators from Universitas Brawijaya in 2021, continues to strive to encourage innovation and collaboration to support Indonesian students in […]

The Peak of 3rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Health Science Universitas Brawijaya

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIKES UB) held the peak of its 3rd Anniversary with the theme “Happy, Healthy, and Achieving”. The event, which was held at FIKES UB campus, was full of happiness and enthusiasm, even though it was hit by heavy rain. Led by the chief executive, Dr. Ns. Lilik Supriati, […]

FIKES and Unicef Collaboration to Adress Wasting and Stunting in Malang Raya

Wasting and stunting continue to be Indonesia’s main challenges in producing superior generations towards the vision of the Golden Indonesia 2045. To address this issue, the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (Fikes UB) in collaboration with Unicef ​​held a Workshop on Handling Wasting and Signing of a Joint Commitment Towards a Generation of Malang […]

FIKES Establishes Collaboration with UPLB for Curriculum Development

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIKES UB) visited the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Philippines to strengthen cooperation between UB and UPLB, with the main agenda including the extension of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) related to the student exchange program between […]

Alumni of Nursing Profession Releases Song to Commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day

In order to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day, Nursing Profession alumni of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) Universitas Brawijaya, Ns. Irhamna Nias Selena, together with her colleague, Irvan Bayu, released a song entitled “Lukai Luka“. This song was created with the hope of providing encouragement for those who are struggling with life’s difficulties, and […]

GEBRAK: Efforts to Control Smoking Habits in Teenagers

In an effort to prevent and reduce the number of smokers among teenagers, lecturers from the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) Universitas Brawijaya, namely Dr. Ns. Kumboyono, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kom and Dr. Yati Sri Hayati, S.Kp., M.Kes, together with FIKES UB students, Ulya Nurul Istiqomah, Adinda Shinta Devi Wibowo Putri, and Cinta Putranti Wibowo, introduced […]

Fikes Empowers PAUD Teachers to Conduct Early Detection on Child Growth Disorders

The Community Service Team consisting of lecturers and students of the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya conducted community service activities in Malang Regency by collaborating with partners HIMPAUDI (Association of Indonesian Early Childhood Educators and Education Personnel). This series of activities consisted of two agendas, namely Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with […]

FIKES Doctoral Community Service’s Program Socialize the KOMPETEN Program

The 2024 Doctoral Community Service Team of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIKES UB), led by Prof. Dr. Titin Andri Wihastuti, S.Kp., M.Kes, started a community service program in Yosowilangun Lor Village, Yosowilangun District, Lumajang Regency. This program focuses on improving health management and preventing hypertension complications through the establishment of the Hypertension […]

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