The FISIP-FIB Berbakti Desa activities of Universitas Brawijaya (FBD UB) continue to be carried out. One of them is by group 54 in Tulungrejo Village, Donomulyo District, Malang Regency. There are several work programs carried out such as Cleanliness and Health Socialization. Then the distribution of trash bins in Tulungrejo Village, the Hand Washing Movement […]
Universitas Brawijaya held Academy Coverage and Evaluation Monitoring of the 2023 Village Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL) for Master Program Postgraduate students (S2), Friday (21/7). This activity is in collaboration with the Ministry of Villages and Bojonegoro Regency to provide appreciation and recognition of the achievements of one’s learning experiences obtained from formal and informal […]
The Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Hamamah, Ph.D., with five Village Heads (Mangliawan, Mojorejo, Selorejo, Maduredo, Jambuwer) signed a Cooperation Agreement for the realization of the 2nd Diversity School Programme carried out by the Wargakarta Study Group, Department of Arts and Cultural Anthropology FCS UB on Friday (1/27/2023) at […]
Lecturers of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) chaired by Dr. Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh, S.TP., M.P (FTP) with the members, Aris Subagiyo, S.T., M.T (FT), Sisca Fajriani, S.P. , M.P. (FP), and Ika Atsari Dewi, S.TP., MP. (FTP), developed Sidomulyo Village as a flower tourism village with local wisdom, through Partners Village Development Program (PPDM) as one of […]