Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) welcomes approximately 804 new students in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. This reception was carried out at the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PK2MABA) FILKOM UB 2021 which was held online through zoom application on August 21 – 22 2021.
The first day of the PK2MABA FILKOM 2021 event was divided into two major sessions, namely opening and material presentation. The opening session began with directions given by the student discipline (disma) regarding the rules and regulations of the participants. Then it was continued by singing the Indonesia Raya anthem, reading prayers and delivering remarks by student representatives and FILKOM leaders. The first speech was delivered by Muhammad Fatham Mubina Akbar as Chief Executive of PK2Maba & Startup Academy 2021. The second speech was by Fadhil Arif Muhammad as President of Student Executive Board (BEM) FILKOM 2021 and continued by Kelvin Hendra Wijaya as Coordinator of Commission I Student Representative Board FILKOM 2021. Last remarks from the Dean of FILKOM UB Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., MT, Ph.D. which at the same time introduced the official of FILKOM.
“Welcome to the Faculty of Computer Science, one of the favorite faculties in Universitas Brawijaya. I proudly welcome new students from the batch of 2021/2022. The purpose of holding this activity is to prepare for the transition between studying in high school classes, which classes and schedule will definitely change any time when continuing in college. During the pandemic, teaching and learning activities are carried out online but it is not possible to carry out a hybrid, either online or face-to-face with the applicable regulation. I also hope that during college, students will also be active in student activities so that they have good potential and competence in terms of academic and non-academic aspects,” said Wayan in his speech.
After the remarks, the event continued with the opening inauguration of PK2MABA series and Startup Academy FILKOM UB 2021 activities by pressing of the virtual gong button by the Dean and symbolic ribbon embedding, as a sign of new students’ participation. Then the Committee PK2MABA FILKOM UB also invites new students for a virtual tour where new students can see FILKOM UB building virtually. This was followed by a material presentation session by Tri Astoto Kurniawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. with the material Building Your Big Dream, and Dr. Eng Herman Tolle, ST., MT. which explains Competitive Students In Answering Future Digital Challenges.
Entering the second day, FILKOM new students continued to attend online events. But now they are divided into smaller groups based on the study program. There are five small groups, namely the Informatics Engineering Study Program (TIF), Computer Engineering (TKOM), Information Systems (SI), Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Education (PTI).
Each group received the same material for the academic field of the faculty, learning methods and lecture ethics, introduction to student institutions/organizations at FILKOM and material on student mindsets. The difference is the academic material of the study program since it is adjusted to the rules of each study program.
It is important to know that after this PK2MABA activity, FILKOM new students will still receive campus life training through the startup academy program which is carried out in one semester. Further information about FILKOM UB academy startup event series can be accessed at https://simaba-filkom.ub.ac.id/ (drn/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)