UB Ensures Student Academic Data is Recorded in PDDikti

Workshop on Updating Higher Education Database Data Reporting (PDDikti)

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Workshop on Updating Data Reporting on the Higher Education Database (PDDikti) at UB Feeder and Neo Feeder, Tuesday (28/02/2023), at Hotel Aria Gajayana Malang.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MS said, both public and private universities in Indonesia are required to periodically report PDDikti data. This is in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 12 of 2012.

“We don’t want data on student academic activity not to be recorded, so that it can be detrimental both in terms of accreditation and the students themselves

Imam added, if student data is not reported at PDDikti, it will have an impact on students, lecturers, accreditation, campus progress, and others. Therefore, it is hoped that 100 percent reporting achievements for all Study Programs.

PDDIKTI itself is one of the instruments for implementing quality assurance and referrals from various parties.

This activity was attended by 134 participants from all faculties. This activity was facilitated by the Directorate of Administration and Academic Services (DALA) and the Directorate of Information Technology (DTI) UB. [HP/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]