UB Kukuhkan Lima Profesor

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Professors’ Inauguration, Saturday (16/9/2023).

Brawijaya University appointed five professors in the middle of this month, Saturday (16/9/2023). The five come from different scientific fields and faculties.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Eko Susilorini, MP. HDI. ASEAN Eng. : Morphobiomol Technology for Developing Local Dairy Goats and Increasing Milk Production

Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Eko Susilorini, MP. HDI. ASEAN Eng.

Population, milk production and genetic quality of dairy goats have not shown a real increase to date. Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Eko Susilorini, MP. HDI. ASEAN Eng. proposed the idea of morphobiomol technology which is a combination of morphology and biomolecular technology in an effort to develop dairy goats and increase milk production.

The problem with the development of dairy goat farming today is the unavailability of livestock seeds with high genetic quality that are continuously available, a shortage of superior seeds, for this reason the role of universities is needed to conduct studies on this matter.

Improving maintenance management and increasing the genetic quality and production capacity of dairy goats can take three steps. First, improve management to achieve quality standards. Second, increasing the population through selection based on gene markers associated with litter size. Third, improving genetic quality through selection based on dendograms from various local goat breeds in East Java.

The morphology of an animal can show the characteristics of the animal, so that it can improve the standard of the animal as seed. Biomolecular is a technology that can be used to detect livestock at the DNA level.

“Morphobiomol technology can provide phenotypic and genotypic information on livestock accurately and efficiently,” she said. So this morphobiomol can be used to produce a population that has characteristics that are suitable for maintenance purposes

According to him, based on PE goat morphobiomol technology, Senduro goats and Pote goats have the potential to increase domestic fresh milk production.

“Our research findings are that Pote goats are molecularly similar to Senduro goats, so Pote goats can be developed as dairy goats for the lowlands,” she added.

The advantage of morphobiomol technology is that it can be used as a rapid early selection method in livestock based on pananda genes and does not depend on pedigrees or family records. However, it requires a special laboratory and skilled personnel (which cannot be done by breeders), and requires expertise in determining the correct pananda gene because quantitative traits are influenced by many genes.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Eko Susilorini, M.P. was inaugurated as a professor in the field of Dairy Animal Production Science as the 18th active Professor at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (FAPET) and the 175th active Professor at Brawijaya University and became the 334th Professor of all Professors produced by Brawijaya University


Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrial, MS : Meta-Model23 As A Basis For Formulating Policies To Increase Food Security Production

Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrial, MS

Food security is one component of sustainable development goals. Sustaining food security for society has become one of the most important challenges in the global development framework. The problem of food insecurity is currently still a global concern for sustainable development goals, in this case the implementation of the second SDGs, namely achieving global food security, improving community nutrition and encouraging sustainable agriculture.

Agriculture can improve global food and nutrition security in two ways; First, increase the quantity and diversity of food supplies. Second, provide income for people engaged in this sector. It is hoped that various policy alternatives formulated by the government will be achieved in accordance with its objectives, for example policies to encourage increased production. The impact is an increase in production, accompanied by stability in farmers’ income. This can be achieved if there is an integrated model of various components such as input, livelihood capital, production, domestic market and international market.

Meta-Model32, according to Syafrizal, can be used as a basis for calculating the impact of various alternative government policies, as well as fluctuations in food prices on world markets. According to him, this model has advantages in the integration of various components, such as input, livelihood capital, input markets, production and markets, both domestic.

“Based on Meta-Model23, it can be used as a basis for formulating various food policy alternatives and is able to m”explain and take into account the welfare impact on every actor in the food economy,” explained this lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture.

This model, he added, can be used as a basis for formulating various policy alternatives related to food, such as commodity trade policies, alternative price policies in the domestic market, policies related to input markets, increasing livelihood capital and so on.

“The success of achieving food security also depends greatly on the availability of inputs at the farmer level, or in the input market, so it is necessary to formulate alternative policies in the input market. Policy alternatives in the input market are expected to have an impact on increasing productivity and production, as well as the welfare of farmers. In this case, government support and support for input markets and farmers’ livelihood capital will have an impact on increasing the use of technology or adopting new technology in the field of agricultural production, as well as increasing farmers’ ability to deal with climate change, utilization of farmers’ livelihood capital, and farmer participation in the retail supply chain. modern food,” he concluded.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrial, M.S. was inaugurated as a professor in the field of Agricultural Economics as the 29th active Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) and the 177th active Professor at Brawijaya University as well as being the 336th Professor of all Professors produced by Brawijaya University.

Prof. Dr. Isnani Darti, S.Si., M.Sc. : Use Mathematics for the Development of Ecology, Epidemiology and Eco-Epidemiology

Prof. Dr. Isnani Darti, S.Si., M.Sc.

Mathematics is known as the basis for the development of science and technology, with its abstract and rigor nature. Abstract in mathematics is aimed at obtaining general results. Meanwhile, rigor means that all concepts in mathematics are considered to be one of the best methods that can combine complex problems to make them easy to analyze and understand.

Mathematics also plays a role in population dynamics, and its role in the fields of ecology, epidemiology and eco-epidemiology. This model, according to Isnani, has been developed in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations, both first order and fractional order.

The advantage of this model is that it can be an effective tool for explaining and analyzing the dynamics of population growth, or better predicting population behavior in the future. “So, the results can be used as scientific back-up before interventions/policies are implemented,” he said.

Mathematical models of epidemics have an important role for public health. In addition, this model also has the opportunity to better predict future population behavior. While ecological mathematical models make it possible to understand the conservation of endangered species, predict ecological effects and understand population fluctuations in nature. Meanwhile, the eco-epidemiology model can be applied to understand integrated pest control.

The advantage of this mathematical model, added the lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is that it can be an effective tool for explaining and analyzing the dynamics of population growth in the future. “However, most of the field data is difficult to obtain, causing estimates of model parameter values not to be possible and most models cannot be validated with real data,” she explained.

She hopes that applied mathematics research, especially those related to mathematical and computational modeling, both for epidemics, ecology, eco-epidemiology and other fields, can continue to be encouraged. “Further, communication and synergy (strong collaboration) are also built between mathematicians, scientists, health experts, practitioners and policy makers,” she concluded.

Prof. Dr. Isnani Darti, S.Si., M.Sc. is a professor in the field of Applied Mathematics as the 24th active Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and the 176th active Professor at Brawijaya University and the 335th Professor of all Professors produced by Brawijaya University.

Prof. La Choviya Hawa, STP., MP., PhD: IRTMS as a Solution to Minimize Post-Harvest Damage to Agricultural Commodities

Prof. La Choviya Hawa, STP., MP., PhD

Drying agricultural commodities is important to ensure optimal quality and shelf life of the final product. Drying parameter data was obtained in a time series through a series of experiments.

Conventional measurements are carried out by stopping drying at a certain time interval and measuring the sample manually by removing it from the drying machine. This method is not effective and can reduce the validity and accuracy of the data because the temperature in the drying room is not constant

Prof. La Choviya Hawa, STP., MP., PhD promotes the newversion of Integrated Real Time Monitoring System (IRTMS) as a forced air convection drying system with the ability to measure changes in mass, relative humidity (RH) and can control temperature and air speed in an integrated manner.

“Unlike the two previous versions, this latest version of IRTMS allows measuring changes in material mass in the drying chamber without interrupting the ongoing drying process,” she said.

Mass change data can be transferred to a computer device to then be analyzed to determine changes in moisture content patterns, drying rates, and appropriate drying kinetics mathematical models.

According to her, the advantage of the IRTMS method is that the mass change measurement method is faster and easier to carry out, more precise and simpler compared to conventional measurement methods. The price of IRTMS is also much cheaper than similar imported drying machines, easy to operate and maintain and can be moved (portable).

Currently, the IRTMS innovation is in the process of applying for a patent at Brawijaya University. Future improvements to IRTMS will be carried out in collaboration with industry to introduce and develop this appropriate technology to people involved in the agro-industry of food and agricultural products.

Prof. La Choviya Hawa, STP., MP, Ph.D. is a professor in the field of Food Processing Engineering. As the 11th active Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) and the 178th active Professor at Brawijaya University and the 337th Professor of all Professors produced by Brawijaya University.

Prof. Dodi Wirawan Irawanto SE., M.Com., Ph.D: Leadership Profiling Innovation with a Local Cultural Insight

Prof. Dodi Wirawan Irawanto SE., M.Com., Ph.D

Being a country with cultural diversity with its own characteristics is a challenge, especially in human resource management. To be able to blend in well, managers, especially expatriates, need to be aware of potential power disparities. Managers, said Dodi, need a different approach in building a shared vision by maintaining good mutual relationships.

“By understanding how individuals perceive appropriate leadership styles in a region, it is hoped that this can provide an overview of how the expected leadership competencies can be effectively implemented for the sustainability of an organization,” said Dodi.

Locallead.id is a leadership competency model rooted in LBDQ-XII, a leadership concept that is widely used in research and human resource information systems. “This concept has been tested in various organizational sectors by considering various factors, one of which is generational characteristics,” he explained.

Research conducted on the Locallead.id model shows a positive impact on employee commitment and sustainable performance. “This breakthrough has its own strengths and uniqueness, which has been scientifically validated and has been successfully tested at several large companies in Indonesia. “Locallead.id is recognized as a leadership platform that is able to carry out accurate profiling with a fairly high level of accuracy,” explained this lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

He hopes that the LBDQ-XII modification in Locallead.id innovations in the future will mean that this model can be developed and replicated by other researchers. “I also hope that the innovation that has been developed can be used in the industrial world as an initial consideration for human resource development regarding talent management and sustainable leadership succession. “I hope that HR practitioners in organizations that have used Locallead.id or will use it can benefit from the leadership competency profiling that I offer,” he concluded.

Prof. Dodi Wirawan Irawanto SE., M.Com., Ph.D. is a professor in the field of Human Resource Management as the 23rd active Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the 179th active Professor at Brawijaya University and the 338th Professor of all Professors produced by Brawijaya University. [vicky-sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]