Vice Rector III Gives Feedback If the Internet Quota is Received

Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim, M.Sc., said that if the student internet quota assistance is received for this semester, it would be great because this is what students expect so far.
“I think this will be great, because it also becomes a question of students. So after we realized the UKT assistance for an even semester, they also asked if there is still any other assistance like the previous year. So, if there is quota assistance, we are waiting for the official letter to be followed up, “he said.
Government internet data quota assistance for all students, college students and teaching staff in Indonesia who carry out online learning for the 2021 academic year will still be provided.
This announcement was made by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim directly through the official KEMENDIKBUD RI Youtube account on Monday, March 1, 2021 at 13.00 WIB.
Nadiem explained that internet data quota assistance from Kemendibud in 2021 will still be provided for the next 3 months (March, April, and May), with changes to the learning quota to become a general quota,
Nadiem said this quota was smaller than the previous study quota, but this quota was a general quota, so it could be used to access all pages and applications except for blocked applications, such as games, social media, facebook, and tiktok. Meanwhile, YouTube is included in the general quota so that it can be accessed.
For the distribution of the internet quota volume is 7 GB / month for kindergarten students, 10 GB / month for elementary and secondary education students, 12 GB / month for kindergarten educators and elementary and secondary levels, and 15 GB / month for students and Lecturers.
This internet data quota assistance is distributed on 11-15 every month and is valid for 30 days from the time the quota is injected into the respective student and student devices.
Meanwhile, for offline lectures, UB is still waiting for the official decision of the Government through the Ministry of Education and Culture.
“If there has been a decision from the center regarding the face-to-face lecturing system, the Rector will immediately follow up. As long as it doesn’t exist, UB doesn’t have the courage to decide the study offline, “he said.
It is hoped that in the new academic year 2021 all schools and universities throughout Indonesia will be able to carry out face-to-face learning while still following health protocols. (* / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).