Workshop, National Seminar 1.0 & National Work Meeting VII PPLPI: Association of Indonesian Educational Laboratory Managers

One aspect that supports the success of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is the role of the Laboratory Manager. Therefore, the development of human resources guided by or based on the concept of Artificial Intelligence is the main supporting factor in increasing the competence and professionalism of Educational Laboratory Managers.

In order to improve and build the competence and professionalism of Educational laboratory managers, the Management of Educational Laboratory Universitas Brawijaya held a Workshop and National Seminar 1.0, also National Work Meeting VII entitled “Building Competence and Professionalism of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Educational Laboratory Managers Towards the Era of Smart Society 5.0” which will be held at the Atria Hotel Malang, 24 – 26 August 2023. Complete news can be accessed at, with the registration link:,


Contact Person : Mulyadi (085233226161) and Reni Astuti (085702684711)


[Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]