Workshop on the Implementation of Material Design Using Figma

Developer Student Clubs Universitas Brawijaya (DSC UB) held a workshop entitled Implementation of Design Using Figma. The workshop was held online on January 15, 2021. More than 100 participants joined this event. They come from various universities in Indonesia, namely UB, UM, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Polinema, Wahid Hasyim University, Gunadarma University, Madura Islamic University, Telkom University, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and Diponegoro University.

Komang Candra Brata, S.Kom., M, T., M.Sc. as the chief executive said that this workshop was an advanced form of a series of collaborative guest lectures and webinars on Collaboration with Google in the academic and community fields. The hope is that this activity can also trigger students to remain productive in the midst of the pandemic, so that it indirectly enlivens the academic atmosphere and student activities.

The speaker who was trusted as a speaker on that occasion was Dion Ricky Saputra (Core Team DSC UB Chapter), moderated by Wildan Ziaulhaq (Core Team DSC UB Chapter). Dion’s presentation includes a material design overview, case studies and prototyping. The material design overview includes a discussion of the material design system, grid system, choosing color, material icons, basic of components and prototyping on Figma. This material provides insight into design standards from Google so that developers from both students and the general public are able to design an attractive interface according to user needs. [committee / dna/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]