The best graduate of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya for the XIII period of the 2024/2025 academic year, Salamah graduated with 22 Publications. She graduated with a GPA (Cumulative Achievement Index) of 3.97 and has 10 journal articles, 6 proceedings, and 6 books with ISBN (International Standard Book Numbers).
“Alhamdulillah, my scientific article published in a Scopus Q1 indexed journal also succeeded in getting me to graduate through the conversion route without a final thesis exam,” she said.
She started working on her thesis in 6 semester with the title “Analysis of Articulatory Phonetic Errors and Their Patterns in Thai BIPA Speakers: A Study of SWM School Thailand”. The research for his thesis was successfully published in the Scopus Q1 Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics thus shortening her study period which should have taken 4 years to only 3 years and 6 months.
The opportunity to research BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) in Thailand was also helped by the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka) Teaching Assistance program in Thailand for 1 month. While serving as a BIPA teacher in Thailand, he also researched and obtained a lot of useful data to develop the internationalization of Indonesian through BIPA studies at the international level. The field of Phonology is also rarely developed compared to other linguistic fields so that it contains novelties that she thought were worth studying.
The fourth year of her undergraduate studies was indeed quite busy, admitted this alumni of SMAN 3 Malang. Because in addition to completing her obligations as an undergraduate student, she is also counted as a Masters of Linguistics student at FCS UB through the Fast Track program.
“The schedule is quite busy, plus helping lecturers in research and learning,” she said.
Even though she had to take two levels at once, in mid-2023 to 2024, most of her articles were published in the SINTA 2 or 3 journals. At least 9 articles were published during that period. The large number of articles she has is inseparable from the learning system in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education study program which encourages students to publish scientific articles.
“From semester 3 I started joining lecturers’ research. In the team we were taught to review various library sources and write scientific articles. The courses in my study program generally also have requirements for the output of scientific articles for the UAS (Final Semester Exam),” she said.
The results of the UAS were published, which initially started from SINTA 4, then gradually to SINTA 2 until finally she tried to dare to go to Scopus.
“I also actively offer to help my lecturers who are writing books or want to attend seminars,” she said.
She is currently completing research related to her thesis entitled “Pronunciation Errors and Their Patterns in Myanmar BIPA Learners: Acoustic Phonetic Review”. She is still researching BIPA but the object has changed to speakers from Myanmar. Furthermore, she still wants to continue his academic level to a doctorate. This is part of her efforts to achieve her dream as a lecturer at a university. [sitirahma/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]