The Communication Forum for Higher Education – Indonesian Agricultural Technology (FKPT-TPI) held a Webinar Series 1 Dean’s Talk entitled “The Development of Local Resource-based Food Production Innovation in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 Towards Global Competitiveness” Thursday (05/08/2021)
The activity, which was held in collaboration with FKPT-TPI, FTP UB, FTP UGM, FATETA IPB and FAPERTA UNJA and the Association of Indonesian Professors (API), was continued by the signing of an online agreement between 63 universities throughout Indonesia.
Presenting speakers such as Prof. Dr. Ir. Eni Harmayani, M.Sc (Dean of FTP UGM), Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Budijanto, M.Agr (Dean of FTP IPB) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Suandi, M.Si (Dean of FAPERTA UNJA), the webinar which was attended by hundreds of participants from 64 universities throughout Indonesia was also attended by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, AR. MS, Chair of the Indonesian Professors Association (API), Prof. Ari Purbayanto, Dean of FTP UB who is also the Head of FKPT-TPI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP.
In her presentation with the theme “From Research to Implementation”, Prof. Eni Harmayani explained that agricultural technology is a very important field for human survival.
“Reminding the importance of agricultural technology, the implementation of research results in the field of agricultural technology is very necessary to support competitive food production from upstream to downstream. Therefore, interdisciplinary synergies and cooperation are needed as well as between stakeholders for the advancement of food and agriculture in Indonesia,” she explained.
A similar presentation was explained by Prof. Dr. Ir. Suandi, MSi on the Development of Local Resource-Based Food Production Innovation in the Perspective of Economy, Institutions and Global Markets.
“Food is a basic human need that must always be met, while food production has not been able to provide these needs. On the other hand, the potential of natural resources as the main growing conditions for food commodities is increasingly limited, so that breakthroughs in the development and utilization of local resources are needed through the adoption of technological innovations. Particularly, the world has entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 now with the issue of globalization in all aspects, so that self-adjustment and intellectual capital (technology) are needed in all-digitalized and automated order,” he explained.
Furthermore, Prof. Suandi explained that digital technology has the potential to reach more people, lower costs and reduce inefficiency, especially for MSMEs.
Prof. Suandi also explained the development of digital technology based on local wisdom and resources to support sustainable community economic development.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Budijanto, M.Agr explained about “Development of Local Food Technology to Raise the Added Value of Local Resources”.
Carrying the keywords of innovation, and technology as the keywords, the Dean of FTP IPB explained that universities should not become ivory towers.
Upstream-downstream linkages must be in line with generating competitive and rational value.
“Thus all can work together and support each other. With the existing facilities, what can we produce, it’s time for us to synergize, work collaboratively, not work together,” he explained while giving an example of the use of rice bran as a competitive local food.
This Webinar Series I Dean’s Talk is the initial series of several webinars that will be held by FKPT-TPI. The head of FKPT-TPI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP explained that the next series of webinars will carry the theme of the position and role of agricultural technology and innovation of plantation products. (dse/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)