In commemorating the 58th Anniversary of Universitas Brawijaya as well as the commemoration of World Heart Day 2020, the Faculty of Medicine held a seminar Beware of Heart Attack on Sunday (04/10) in the Auditorium Room 6th Floor, A Building FK UB.
The seminar was held offline and online by involving more than 50 cardiovascular specialists as well as public doctors, more than 300 people from various cardiovascular communities in several areas, which are Malang Community of Cardiovascular Care (MC3), Jangkar Lumajang, Muhammadiyah University of Cardiovascular Care (MUCC), Healthy Heart Club Pamekasan, also from South Kalimantan.
In his speech, Dr. dr. Kohar Hari Santoso, Sp.An ,. KIC., KAP as the Director of Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang City, highly appreciates the steps taken by Malang Cardiovascular colleagues who have developed the DETAK application to make it easier for the public to access health facilities and carry out early detection if they feel chest pain.
“I think this is very useful since we know that the number of deaths and cardiovascular diseases is increasing day by day along with the increasing of people’s lifestyle. Hopefully this activity is part of all of our acts of worship, “he said.
In line with the Director of RSSA, Dean of FK UB, dr. Wisnu Barlianto, SpA (K) also greatly appreciated the network cooperation that was built between the hospital, the health team, and the community so that this activity could be held well. According to Wisnu, cardiovascular disease is still the highest cause of death in Indonesia, so people need to take role in reducing the number of death pain.
“All people need to move together with the Ministry of Health and health professors by forming a national health committee to create a long-term heart disease prevention program to reduce morbidity and mortality. Celebrating the heart day forming as an educational effort is targeted to make people understand about heart disease, “said the pediatrician.
Appreciation was also expressed by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR., MS. Through his remarks, the Professor from the Faculty of Agriculture appreciated the Faculty of Medicine for producing DETAK application that can detect abnormalities in the heart. He hopes that this application can be used by all Indonesian people and hopefully FKUB can develop other applications and tools.
Acting as a speaker, Prof. Dr. M. Saifur Rohman, SpJP (K), PhD explained that heart disease is the number one killer in the world. “Since 2012, it has shown a high rate of morbidity and mortality from heart disease. In 2012-2016, the prevalent rate increased from 0.5% to 1.5 “, he said.
According to Saifur,1 in 10 people have a heart attack in Indonesia. Every three seconds a patient with heart disease appears and a third of them die before coming to the hospital. “This is what makes cardiovascular colleagues think of contributing to efforts of reducing mortality and heart disease,” he explained.
Among heart diseases, the biggest cause of death is coronary heart disease, or in the medical world it is known as Acute Coronary Syndrome, or commonly known as sitting wind.
Heart attacks are caused by blockage of the flow of coronary arteries. These blood vessels send oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles. Without blood flow for 20 seconds, the heart muscle will not function, causing irreversible (will not return to normal).
He also mentioned that time is an important aspect of saving the heart muscle and preventing irreversibility. “In normal conditions, blood flow is very smooth. However, if there is a disturbance such as accumulation of fat, then flow disturbances will begin. If the disturbance / crust is thin, the heart can still work lightly, but it is unable to work in more strenuous activities. Then if there are certain factors such as stress, anger, infection, fever, and so on, the fat will break down and contain blood clots causing partial impasse or heart attack, ”he explained.
Furthermore, Saifur explained that the symptoms of a heart attack that are easily recognized include feeling heavy or crushed, hot, colds, and tightness in the left or middle chest that cannot be identified which radiates to the shoulders / arms, neck, chin, back and epigastrium.
“This chest pain feels more painful over time, often, and lasts for about 5-30 minutes. Other triggering factors include activity, stress, and cold temperatures. The risk factors for heart disease are influenced by age, gender, and heredity. The act that can be taken when having a heart attack is not to panic, sit down, take medication, drink the drug if you have, and go to the nearest hospital immediately to have treatment from medical staff. Added the heart specialist doctor.
At the end of his material, Saifur shares tips to increase the vigilance of heart attack. “For those who have factor of heart disease risk, it is necessary to control the risk factor by doing healthy life style and beware if there is chest pain happen. Call the doctor or nearest hospital immediately is it happens” said the graduate of Kobe University Japan. [Vika/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]