Residents of Pakisjajar Village Learn to Process Organic Waste into Eco-Enzyme

The group 194 of students build 1000 villages Universitas Brawijaya (MMD UB) 2023 conducted a socialization on processing household waste in the form of vegetables and fruits into processed organic waste products known as eco-enzymes.

The target of the socialization activity is Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) Women of Pakisjajar Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency.

Group representative, Hanna Syuhadah explained that there were two series in this work program, namely the first socialization related to the processing of vegetable and fruit waste into eco-enzymes. Both training practices for making eco-enzyme together with PKK women.

“Through this activity it is hoped that it will be able to provide changes in the behavior of the people in Pakisjajar Village towards the processing of the organic waste produced so that it will have an impact on improving the quality of the environment in Pakisjajar Village,” said Hanna.

Based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2022, there are as many as 68.7 million tons/year of piles of waste dominated by organic waste, with a total of 41.27% being food waste.

Based on the field survey, it is known that the majority of the people of Pakisjajar Village make a living as farmers and traders.

Therefore, organic garbage or waste such as vegetables and fruit can be found around markets and roadsides.

This accumulation of organic waste will cause various problems in terms of environment and health if it is not managed properly so efforts are needed to minimize and overcome problems that are in line with Indonesia’s mission of Zero Waste Zero Emission in 2030. (SDK/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).