Indonesia has a big responsibility. As a country with the largest people in the world, it is also responsible for facing negative accusations about Islam that have come from Western nations.
“Indonesia must be able to show that Islam is rahmatan lil alamin,” said the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. (HC) KHMa’ruf Amin, MA when giving an online briefing at the main event of 2020 Santri Day ceremony and the 17th FISIP-UB Anniversary with the theme “The Role of Santri in the Millennial and Disruptive Digital Era”, Tuesday (10/10/2020 ).
Currently, the Vice President said that there are many challenges to Islam that originate from the ignorance of the West, the United States (US) and Europe about Islam. The challenge is in the form of a negative impression of Islam, as well as Islam-phobia.
Kiyai Ma’ruf mentioned several things which are Islamic countries are considered as countries of conflict and violence. About 41 percent of US citizens think Islam encourages terrorism and violence, 44 percent think Islam cannot go together with democracy.
“Islam-phobia is increasing in the US and Europe. The latest problem occurred in France, “said Ma’ruf.
The internal conditions of the Islamic state, according to the Vice President, also need attention. There are the socio-economic conditions of the people which are still apprehensive. 350 million people in OIC countries earn under $ 1.25 per day. The unemployment rate is also above the world unemployment average.
In relation to that, he believes in Indonesia, Islamic boarding school as a center for moderate religious education, capable of warding off and protecting society from radicalism. “Islamic school participate in developing Islam rahmatan lil alamin,” he said.
Therefore, Ma’ruf Amin asked universities to build networks with Islamic school. Especially in science and technology education. He said the number of islamic school in Indonesia is around 28 thousand with around 18 million students.
K.H. Ma’ruf Amin became a speaker in commemoration of National Santri Day and the 17th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) with the theme of the Role of Santri in the Millennial Era and Digital Destructive which was broadcast live on Zoom, UBTV, and YouTube. on Tuesday (10/11/2020).
Since 22 October 2015, students have determined the day of santri which refers to the issuance of a jihad resolution containing a fatwa on the obligation to fight for the sake of defending Indonesia’s independence. The challenge for santri is not only colonizers but entering the digital world with complex challenges such as fake and false news and hoaxes.
Besides K.H. Ma’Ruf Amin, UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, M.S gave a presentation on the theme of Santri Challenges in the Millennial and Disruptive Digital Era. He explained three main challenges in the industrial era 4.0, millennial era, and globalization. In facing these challenges, competencies such as learning and innovation skills, data literacy, technology literacy, human literacy, life and career skills, information media and technology literacy are needed.
Nuhfil also conveyed the idea of social-preneur santri by becoming a businessman besides being a Da’wah interpreter by developing the surrounding economy and creating jobs for the community. (FISIP / IKA / Mondry / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)