At the Ceremony Field of Bone Bolango Regent’s Office, Mrs. Deputy Regent Dr. Merlan S. Uloli, S.E., M.M., led the ceremony and welcomed the arrival of Universitas Brawijaya Matching Fund (MF) Program Team and MBKM students. This activity became an important milestone in supporting innovative programs in Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo (28/08/2003).
The ceremony was attended by various elements of regional government, including the Regional Secretary, Bappeda, BPTP (Litbang), and other OPDs. The UB Matching Fund program team is chaired by Dr. Rita Parmawati, S.P., M.E., with members, Anif Mukaromah Wati, S.Pt., M.Pt., M.Sc., Yohana Avelia Sandy, S.P., M.P., M.Sc., Diana Aisyah, S.Pi., M.P., and Supriyadi, S.Pi., M.P.
This event aims to provide full support for the 2023 Matching Fund program entitled “Innovation of Zero Waste Integrated Farming System Model with Maggot Ingredients for the Development of Educational Tourism in East Bulotalangi Village, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo”.
Dr. Merlan S. Uloli, S.E., M.M., Vice Regent of Bone Bolango Regency, firmly stated his support for this activity and invited all parties to unite for the success of this program.
“The success of this activity can certainly be a starting point for realizing an educational tourism village in Bone Bolango Regency,” said Dr. Merlan with great optimism.
On the same occasion, Head of Universitas Brawijaya Matching Fund Team, Dr. Rita Parmawati, also gave her views. She said that the Matching Fund program provides a valuable opportunity for campuses to contribute directly to remote communities that require real development and empowerment.
“This program is expected to be able to unite various stakeholders, lecturers, and students in an effort to develop innovations that support the development of tourism villages, agro-tourism, edutourism, food security, and integrated agriculture in various regions in Indonesia, especially in Bone Bolango district, Gorontalo,” she added.
With the spirit of collaboration, this event is a promising start to realizing a common goal in developing regional potential and supporting the development of sustainable innovation. The existence of the MF Team and MBKM University of Brawijaya students is clear evidence that education and cooperation between educational institutions and local governments have great potential in driving local progress. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]