Vocational Education Program Universitas Brawijaya (UB) accepts new student registration through the achievement pathway.
Registration is open from (3 / 5-21 / 5/2021) via website https://admisi.ub.ac.id page with a registration fee of IDR 250,000.
There are special requirements for prospective new students who will register, for the applicants of academic achievement, prospective new students must have a report card score of at least 7.5 per semester starting from semester 1-5.
Meanwhile, for non-academic achievements, prospective new students are ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the areas of interest in sports talents, arts, skills, religion, and subject competitions such as mathematics Olympiad, quiz, writing, and so on.
Not only that, UB also provides space for applicants who have the ability to memorize Al Qur’an (hafidz and hafidzah Al Qur’an).
The points earned by prospective new students from this non-academic path of achievement will be combined with the acquisition of school grades.
This year, Vocational UB will receive around 1200 new D4 and D3 students from various routes.
Selection of D4 new students is carried out in three ways, which are National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN), Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN), and Independent Selection.
While the D3 program is carried out through the achievement pathway with an acceptance percentage of 30% of the total applicants, 40% for UB Independent Selection, and 30% for independent Vocations.
The Director of Vocational Education, Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, SE., M.Sc., AK explained that this scheme is determined based on the capacity of each study program and the experience of the previous year which is adjusted to the highest number of enthusiasts and the absorption of graduates in the world of work.
He added, related to the cost of education, Vocational UB remains based on the same as in 2020.
The amount of UKT is grouped into several groups and added to the Institutional Development Fee (IPI) for new students who enter through the independent selection UB and Vocational independent channels. While in the achievement pathway, new students are only charged UKT fees.
“Therefore, through this achievement path, we hope that students who have sufficient academic and non-academic potential can be netted, so that later the study costs can be grouped into the low ones,” he said.
Unti also invited prospective new students to explore their potential expertise.
“I invite, let us explore together the various potential skills possessed by prospective new students to be actualized in a real action in the world of work after they finish their education,” he said.
The announcement of the results of the selection for this achievement path will be held on Thursday (3/6/2021). [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]