FEB Visiting Professor with Assoc. Professor From the University of Malaya Discussing Accounting Ethics

The Department of Accounting has held a Guest Lecture with the main theme, namely “Accounting Profession Ethics and Related Research Topics”, (5/28/2024). This theme was raised with the aim of providing knowledge to Accounting students so that they are familiar with Ethics in the Accounting Industry, which is a set of moral principles and rules of conduct followed by accountants. These ethical standards guide accountants in their daily operations, shaping their professional decisions and behavior.

On this occasion, the Department of Accounting presented DR. Zarina Binti Zakaria, from the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya Malaysia. The invited guests were several lecturers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students as participants. The implementation of the Guest Lecture was held in the Main Meeting Room, Old Dean’s Building, 2nd floor, FEB UB.

The Guest Lecture was utilized by DR. Zarina to explain the three main pillars underlying ethical behavior in the accounting industry. The three pillars include integrity, transparency, and accountability. Together, they create an environment of trust and ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial information. DR. Zarina gave examples of the negative impacts of unethical accounting practices such as those that occurred in the Enron Scandal (2001) and the WorldCom Scandal (2002). Both incidents not only resulted in huge financial losses but also eroded public trust in corporate governance. Thus, accounting ethics is not only a professional behavior matter but a prerequisite for a proper understanding of the health of business and the economy as a whole.

The discussion continued on research in Accounting Ethics which is described based on ethical principles for accountants: integrity, objectivity, competence, confidentiality, professional behavior, and skepticism. The discussion continued by a question from one of the discussion participants regarding new areas for ethical research for accountants and was responded to with examples of research topics such as Ethics in Digital and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accounting and Sustainability and Environmental Accounting. These areas reflect the need for ongoing research to address new ethical challenges and ensure that the accounting profession adapts responsibly to technological advances, regulatory changes, and societal expectations.

Finally, DR. Zarina said that ethics for accountants includes guiding principles and values ​​that guide ethical actions in the field of accounting. Ethics play an important role in accounting by ensuring accurate financial reports, ensuring legal compliance, and building credibility among stakeholders.

Guest Lectures themselves are learning activities carried out by lecturers or teaching staff from outside the university environment and experts in certain fields who are invited in order to transform knowledge to students. (*/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)