Lecturers at UPT Student Personality Development Universitas Brawijaya (PKM UB) held a community service with the theme “Strengthening Religious-Based Literacy” in Torosiaje Village, Popayato District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. This activity was carried out for three days, Thursday-Saturday (6-8/7/2023).
The community service team chaired by Emi Setyaningsih, M. Phil and consists of In’amul Wafi, M.Ed., Khalid Rahman, M.Pd.I., Galieh Damayanti, M.H., and Dr. Arif Mustapa, M.SI focuses on developing literacy for the younger generation in Torosiaje village so they are not left behind.
The team consisting of lecturers of Islamic Religion, Pancasila and Citizenship mapped out how they teach religion while still synergizing with their thick traditions, and based on literacy which leads to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) for the progress of the nation and state.
Emi Setyaningsih, M. Phil conveyed, the condition of the community in Torosiaje village is that the majority consist of the Bajau tribe who have inherited maritime traditions. They live in shallow sea waters and calm waves. The population is 100% Muslim with a very religious community base.
“We pay serious attention to literacy and numeracy as proclaimed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. We convey religious literacy by encouraging younger siblings at Kindergarten and Elementary School levels, that religion is very principled in wading through life and maintaining traditions, and caring about the preservation of Indonesia’s marine environment in the Sulawesi Sea Region,” said Emi.
They provide yelling training, religious advice, achievement motivation and distribution of writing materials, as well as literacy materials from research results.
Kamil La Husna, a Bajau tribal leader in Torosiaje village, explained that the community is very open to outside progress, although they still adhere to the Bajau tribal traditions in language, customs, and maritime territory.
“Our maritime tradition is known abroad because we are able to dive in the sea up to 40 meters without any tools. Just wear swimming goggles or don’t use any tools at all. Even up to the age of 69 he still dives, but his eyes are clear without glasses, his hearing is clear and he physically doesn’t use a stick,” she said.
She added, the recipe is marine-based living literacy created by Allah SWT to continue to care for and harmonize its sustainability, not to be damaged and polluted. Another key is to compete in goodness and development, not to hunt for excess material and to face all kinds of burdens in life.
Regarding welfare, Mr. Amir from the Bajau tribe stated that his people are quite prosperous, because three to four days of fishing can generate four to five million rupiah. Even within one year, the income of Torosiaje village can reach billions of rupiah from tourists.
“In terms of social capital, the people of Bajau tribe, Torosiaje village, are very worthy of encouraging the progress of the nation and state based on Indonesian maritime customs, which are rich and abundant in marine life. By remaining simple, humble, prioritizing knowledge and religion, local wisdom is the spearhead as a feature and identity,” he explained. [PKM/Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]