UPT PKM Community Service Team initiated the potential of the life of Bajo tribe to become tourism of tolerance. Team leader Dr. Nur Chanifah, M.Pdi said the tour was made so that visitors could learn tolerance from the Bajo tribe.
“There are several strengths that can be extracted from Torosiaje Village, namely that there are around 11 tribes in the village, besides Bajo tribe, namely Bugis, Mandar, Buton, Bali, Ambon, Papua, Minahasa, Javanese, Madurese and Chinese people living peacefully in the village. Every day they live side by side, in harmony, hand in hand, and without questioning their ethnic origin,” said Nur Chanifa
Nur Chanifah said that based on an interview with a resident, Kamil, Torosiaje Village can be said to be a zero crime village, because there has never been a conflict there. Even if there were, there were only small disputes, all of which could be resolved according to custom. Not until it ends up on the court table.

They have local traditions or wisdom that uphold harmony, such as traditional ceremonies, mutual cooperation, and traditional rituals.
Furthermore, Torosiaje Village is also known as Kampung Laut tourism village, so this is a strength to add to tourism destinations, namely educational tourism in the form of tolerance.
“However, their human resources in tourism management are still minimal, so this is a weakness of this potential. Therefore, it is necessary to have cooperation with the local tourism agency, “said Nur.
Nur Chanifah explained that the strategy for optimizing the potential of Torosiaje village as tolerance tourism, can be analyzed using a SWOT analysis by paying attention to aspects from internal, namely strengths and weaknesses, and from outside (external), namely opportunities and threats.
Bajo people must be able to maintain this local wisdom in the midst of modern life.
“Thus, to realize a tolerant tourism village, it requires support from all parties, both from Bajo community itself and from the government, especially the tourism office,” he said.
The service consists of Siti Rohmah, M.HI; Drs. Khusnul Fathoni Effendy, M.Ag; and Mokhamad Rohma Rozikin, S.Pd., M.Pd.
The arrival of this team was motivated by the potential possessed by the Traditional Village. Bajo tribe is famous for its peculiarity of living above the sea.
Historically, Bajo tribe came from Malacca which then spread to various places in the archipelago, China, Singapore, the Philippines and so on because of the order of the King to look for his missing daughter.
According to Mr. Rebi, the former Head of Torosiaje Village, the King ordered all Bajo Tribes in Malacca to spread out looking for the Princess and not to return unless they managed to find her.
Because of this, the scattered Bajo tribes searched for the Princess and were unable to find her, forming a life in their new place, including Bajo tribe in Torosiaje.
However, until now it has not been difficult to identify the scattered Bajo tribe because of the uniqueness of the language and customs that they uphold.
There is a historical meaning behind the name Torosiaje. Toro means cape and Siaje means Pak Haji. This is because the Torosiaje Traditional Village which is above the sea was discovered by Haji Patasompah in 1901. The location of the Torosiaje floating village is about 600 meters from the mainland and is inhabited by around 1498 families consisting of 751 men and 747 women.
The village now consists of 4 hamlets, where previously it only consisted of 2 hamlets. When viewed from above, this village forms a U-shaped pattern. Torosiaje Village has proper public facilities and don’t imagine that this area is untouched by civilization.
There are schools, mosques, badminton courts, stalls selling daily needs, and of course electricity is available from PLN and generators if the power goes out.
In addition, there are also lodging facilities. There is one that belongs to the government and one that belongs to local residents. However, if it’s crowded, you can also stay at the residents’ houses. (*/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).