UPT PKM Initiates Character Dissemination Discussion

The Student Personality Development Unit of Universitas Brawijaya (UPT PKM UB) held a Character Dissemination Discussion; Strengthening Tolerance Character in Gen-Z. The activity was packaged with lectures, dialogues, and short training to create educational content. UPT PKM UB collaborated with the Oase Institute (Yayasan Oase Cakrawala Nusantara). Dozens of students also attended the discussion (Oase Talks) held at the Oase Cafe & Literacy Malang City, Saturday (08/06/2024).

“Tolerance is an idea, attitude, and awareness of accepting differences in religion, race, ethnicity, and others. Therefore, active tolerance from ideas to conscious actions is important for Gen-Z to understand,” said Galieh Damayanti, as the speaker. This UB Citizenship Lecturer delivered her material entitled Tolerance and Freedom of Expression; Gen-Z in the Snare of Social Media Malfunction.

In addition to tolerance, Galieh explained the importance of understanding cases of bullying and sexual violence, both of which often occur in schools or campuses. Bullying and Sexual Violence are said to be two of the major sins of national education besides intolerance.

Galieh presented data from her research over the past 5 years. During that period, 64 cases of sexual violence were found in schools with details of 65 in the district, and 36 cases in Batu. Throughout that year, there were 165 cases of sexual violence in Malang Raya. Other data shows that 76% of girls are victims of sexual violence, 22% are adult women, and only 2% are boys.

“In addition to handling, prevention of sexual violence, bullying, and intolerance is also important. In schools, the role of Counseling and Guidance teachers is very important. Schools or campuses also need to be proactive in responding to these 3 major sins of education,” said the woman who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law.

Albar Adetary Hasibuan as the chief executive of the event opened the event happily. The UB Pancasila lecturer said he was very happy to meet the students of Malang City. He hopes that the meeting can provide benefits and valuable knowledge and experience to all participants who attend.

“I am happy to meet you all. Hopefully this discussion can run smoothly. So that we can all learn again about the importance of tolerance, respect, and friendship without hurting,” said Albar when opening the afternoon’s activities.

After the opening session, Al Muiz Liddinillah from the Oase Institute guided the discussion. Muiz served as a moderator and discussion facilitator. Muiz said that Gen-Z is a generation that is skilled at surfing the internet, these skills need to be equipped with literacy skills. “In addition, it is also important for Gen-Z to understand the meaning of literacy, anti-bullying, and sexual education from an early age.

Muiz as the facilitator also invited participants to create educational content, either infographics or videos. Within 15 minutes, participants completed their assignments. All content is uploaded to their respective social media accounts.

This activity was also well organized in collaboration with Lakpesdam NU Malang City, Gubuk Tulis, Duta Damai Jawa Timur, Toko Buku Oase, Oase Cafe & Literacy. All participants and committees were enthusiastic in participating in the discussion, including the head of UPT PKM UB, Dr. Mohamad Anas. The discussion and short training went smoothly until the event was closed with a group photo and friendly gathering. [Dini/ Farha/sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]