Unit of Career and Entrepreneurship Development (Unit Pengembangan Karir dan Kewirausahaan/UPKK), previously Job Placement Center (JPC), held a socialization event in Wednesday (5/4/2017) in H1.6 Building of Faculty of Computer Science of Brawijaya University (Fakultas Ilmu Komputer/Filkom UB).
UPKK’s socialization event was attended by dozens of Filkom students. In this event, Dra. Sri Wardhani, M.Si as the Head of UPKK UB’s Entrepreneurship Department presented as the speaker. Sri Wardhani delivered this socialization to all of UB’s faculties. The goal was to introduce UB’s student to UPKK, so that they can utilize this facility well whether as a student or as an alumni.
“During the time UPKK often holds campus recruitment events and trainings, but only few students of UB know about this. Because of that we visit every UB’s faculty to introduce UPKK,” Sri Wardhani explained.
In the beginning of her presentation Sri Wardhani explained that UPKK used to be known as JPC. But the name was changed since 2015 because of a new additional function, not only act as a bridge between graduation and professional world, but also as an institution that conduct tracer study, training, and preparing UB’s students to have entrepreneurship knowledge. In detail, Sri Wardhani explained that UPKK has four main duties on giving information of job recruitment and apprenticeship, holding job recruitment events, holding training about professional life and entrepreneurship events, and conducting a follow-up for tracer studies. Because of this Sri Wardhani suggested that students should take as many advantages as possible from UPKK’s facilities.
“You should visit UPPK website on upkk.ub.ac.id often. Do not wait until you become an alumni to check the website. Information on the website is not only for alumni, but also for students, such as training information, apprenticeship of internship recruitment in well known companies,” Sri Wardhani said.
Not only from website media, UPKK also shares their information through social media such as facebook, twitter, and line, details about the account can be seen on UPKK’s website. Sri Wardhani also added that UPKK will hold Information Acceleration Boot camp to prepare students that will participate in INOTEK competition. Information about participant’s requirement and sign up can be accessed here. [dna/Humas UB/trans. Anisa]