Thursday (1/6) is the commemoration of Pancasila birthday. Commemoration activities by carrying out a Flag Ceremony at the Rectorate Field of Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The ceremony was led directly by UB Rector, Prof. Widodo. The entire leadership, lecturers, and employees were present as ceremony participants.
The Rector read the remarks of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
Towards the proclamation of Indonesian independence, precisely on May 29 to June 1, 1945, the founding fathers of the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Investigation Agency (BPUPKI) agreed that Pancasila was the ideology of the Indonesian state.
In compiling the ideology of a plural nation state, Pancasila is extracted from the noble values of national culture in the archipelago and has a dynamic and universal meaning.
As an ideology, Pancasila is also a principle in administering Indonesian government at all times.
Pancasila, until now, remains relevant in the midst of dynamics.
We need to protect Pancasila principles in all state activities.
In the midst of busy activities in carrying out our duties, let’s take a moment to reflect and understand the philosophy that is the soul of the Indonesian state.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has produced 24 Episodes of Independent Learning (Merdeka Belajar) and other transformations.
All of these efforts are in line with the Forward Indonesia Vision and the mandate of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, who receives a mandate from the people through a democratic process.
Happy Birthday Pancasila! [pon/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]