The Opening Ceremony of Short Course Taking Perspectives 2024 Program in  Germany, Starting International Collaboration

The Opening Ceremony of Short Course Taking Perspectives 2024 Program in Germany

Short Course Taking Perspective is an advanced exchange program involving lecturer and student exchange. This program is implemented in three different sessions, the first session is held at Leipzig University on June 17-27, 2024, the second session at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Jakarta State University on September 9-12, 2024, and the third session at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya on September 12-18, 2024.

The program, which took the theme: “Taking Perspectives: “Understanding Others And Social Cohesion In Times Of Increasing Polarization”, was attended by student representatives from 3 different universities, namely Leipzig University, Brawijaya University and Jakarta State University. Brawijaya University sent representatives of 3 lecturers and 4 students who had passed the Taking Perspectives 2024 interview.

The opening ceremony took place on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 15.00 to 17.30 local time at Paulinum Leipzig University, Neues Augusteum, 04109 Leipzig Room P7 01, starting with remarks from lecturers from Leipzig University, Jakarta State University, and Brawijaya University, namely Prof. Dr. Christoph Enders, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux, Heryanti Utami, and Muhammad Dahlan. The event continued with a stunning musical performance from Leipzig University students.

According to one of the delegates from Jakarta State University, Lita Patimah, in her statement, said that the “Taking Perspectives” program offers a very valuable opportunity to share knowledge and experience between Indonesian and German participants in the context of religion, law, and society. The diverse schedule, including excursions, seminars, lectures, simulation games, and farewell parties, promises a deep and memorable experience for participants in both countries.

Zakiyyatu Fadzilla from Universitas Brawijaya, also highlighted that this program is an adaptive activity to current social issues. “Taking Perspective” in 2024 is an adaptive response to social and religious issues because the themes discussed each year are different depending on what issues are currently hot in Indonesia,” explained Zakiyyatu.

“As participants, let us come with an open mind, ready to listen and share our views on the topics discussed. Actively participate in every activity held, exchange ideas with fellow participants, and be a driver of constructive discussion. With respect and a willingness to learn from each other, we can create an environment that supports the exchange of cultures and beneficial knowledge,” added Lita.

After a series of remarks, the opening ceremony continued with a shared meal and a socializing session. Lita also expressed her hope that the “Taking Perspectives” program would become a forum to inspire sustainable cross-cultural collaboration between Indonesia and Germany.

Through open dialogue and close cooperation, it is hoped that it can enrich our understanding of the differences and similarities between the two countries, and that harmonious relations between nations will continue to be established that are mutually beneficial and enrich understanding of global diversity. (dzilla/wdd/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)