Ulfah Maisaroh graduated with a perfect GPA of 4.00 with a study period of 6 months. This student from Lumajang was one of the graduates in the Graduation procession for period XII of the 2023/2024 Academic Year at Brawijaya University.
Ulfah joined the Fast Track program in the Statistics Master’s Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UB. “In the 7th semester, I was able to take the 1st semester of master’s program courses,” said Ulfah.
Ulfah was interested in statistics because she enjoyed mathematics when she was still in high school. However, Ulfah did not want to major in pure mathematics. Finally, at the National Selection of Entering State University (SNMPTN), Ulfah chose Statistics.
Meanwhile, regarding the relatively fast master’s study period, apart from the fast track system, she also did not take the final thesis exam since the research for her thesis was successfully published in the National Journal of Sinta 2. These journals are BAREKENG: Journal of Mathematical and Applied Sciences and JTAM (Journal of Mathematical Theory & Applications). Ulfah raised research entitled ‘Development of a Structural Model on the Indirect Influence and Total Moderating Effect of Multigroup SEM Multigroup SEM measurement model’.
This research is about Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), which is multivariate statistical modeling that involves relationships between variables and indicator models with latent variables simultaneously. SEM continued to develop, until a multigroup approach emerged for data originating from two or more populations. There is no research that discusses indirect effects and total effects with multigroup moderation.
To complete her master’s degree, Ulfah used part of the scholarship she received during her undergraduate studies. Ulfah is one of the recipients of Bidik Misi students or currently known as Smart Indonesia Card. Her late father was a retired administrative employee at a junior high school in Lumajang. So for this master’s degree, Ulfah saved scholarship money and her father’s pension money. “During Covid, we stayed at home. So I can save more money. It was also added assistance from the deceased’s retired money,” she explained.
Ulfah is also made easier since the master’s program only pays 50 percent for semesters 1 and 2.
When she became a master’s student, Ulfah continued her study habits at undergraduate level. One of them is by preparing to study the material that will be discussed in lectures and holding group discussions. “I’m the type of person who writes while learning and working on sample questions. I usually understand quickly from there,” she said.
Her persistence during her undergraduate studies was not in vain, he got a GPA of 3.84 with a study period of 3 years and 10 months. After graduating from Masters, Ulfah hopes to work in the world of education. “Now I want to try the CPNS (Civil Servant Candidate) Lecturer test, I want to teach,” she said.[sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]