UIN Sunan Kalijaga Visits UB

The visit of UIN Sunan Kalijaga to UBFaculty of Humanities and Culture Studies (FADIB) State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga visited University of Brawijaya (UB), Friday (20/May/2016). The visit which is in order to have comparative study was followed by faculty principles started from Deans, Vice Deans, Head of Department, Secretary of Department, Head of Division, until FADIB staff which amounts to 50 ones.

Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Culture Studies Dr. Zamzam Afandi, M.Ag expressed his wish to visit UB since it occupies the sixth rank of the best higher education in Indonesia in version of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education year of 2015.

“Therefore we want to learn in developing faculties, and management higher education properly with a variety of science within, including management of academic and student activities,” said Zamzam.

The visit was welcomed by Head of Academic and Studentship Bureau Dra. Ernani Kusdiantina, MM, and Administration Head of Faculty of Culture Studies, Drs. Agus Yuliawan. Ernani gave presentation about numbers of student achievements which successfully grabbed by UB like four times of PIMNAS grand champions. He also explained many UB’s entrance tracks, and also access easiness of student data report in academic and finance aspect.

“Recently, important information about student’s academic and finance process started to enter until graduation is recorded in academic information system application. By the system, student academic process each semester, including academic status, courses taken, study result, GPA, graduation and tuition fee arrears could be seen via online,” said Ernani.

Agus added, improvement in information technology services indeed become absolute demand for UB, since large number of students.

In addition to academic and studentship, in the visit, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga also questioned about procurement of goods, infrastructure maintenance, and environmental hygiene. [Irene/Humas UB/trans. Denok]