UB Graduates 797 Students

Brawijaya University (UB) will graduate 797 students in Graduation Period IV 2023/2024 Academic Year, Sunday (1/10). Yoana Ervina Febriyanti (FPIK PSDKU Kediri), Stanley Bulain (Faculty of Medicine/FK), and Gede Indra Bagus Laksana (Faculty of Administrative Sciences/FIA) were UB’s best graduates this time.


Graduated at the Age of 20

Yoana Ervina Febriyanti, S.Pi is the youngest graduate who graduated at the age of 20 from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences from the Fisheries Socioeconomic Study Program (PSDKU – Study Program Outside the Main Campus of Kediri ). This graduate graduated with a Very Satisfactory Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) of 3.63. She became the youngest graduate because she entered elementary school (SD) earlier than her peers.

“I didn’t take part in any acceleration program. “I used to enter elementary school when I was 4 years old,” said Yoana. She entered elementary school early because at that time she could read and write fluently. She also had a strong desire to go to school so her parents enrolled her in school.

Always being the youngest in school is a challenge for Yoana. She was once considered too childish by her classmates. But she realized that there were consequences she had to face. Because the need to play must be missed because of the demands of the lesson that must be met. “But on the positive side, I can learn to be mature,” she said.

She is still happy that she can still adapt and communicate well. Her friends were happy to hang out with her. A native woman from Situbondo

This student completed her Bachelor’s studies with a thesis on the feasibility analysis of the frozen cooked Vaname Shrimp processing business at a company in her city.

The company studied freezes vaname shrimp for export purposes to Japan, Australia, the United States, Canada and countries in Europe from 2004 until now.

She and her brother and sister opened a banana roll business called ‘banana boat’. Yoana has been running this business for four years.

“But I still put application letters in several places,” she said.


Always Set Learning Targets

Photo Stanley Bulain, S.Ked

Stanley Bulain became the best graduate from the Department of Medicine, FK UB. So far, Stanley has always set targets which must be taken every time he takes a new course.

“Usually there is a study target that I make per day so that it is not too difficult during the exam because I have to study from start,” he said.

Stanley was able to complete college in 3 years and 6 months with a GPA close to perfect or 3.99. This man from Malang also organized in the Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) FK UB to increase enthusiasm in studying. Through this organization, he also had the opportunity to do networking and share knowledge with FK students at foreign universities.

“At that time there was a student exchange at AMSA with FK students in Thailand in 2021. At that time, it was still a pandemic period so the activities were carried out online. “But for me, being able to meet fellow FK students from abroad, share experiences about studying medicine, being able to get to know other cultures and languages makes me learn more,” he said.

Stanley said that one of the knowledge he gained was getting to know the types of COVID vaccines being developed and their effectiveness. “After graduation, I hope to immediately graduate as a doctor and continue to specialist education,” he said.


Helping MSME during the Pandemic

Meanwhile, Gede Bagus Indra Laksana admitted that he learned a lot while studying at UB’s Business Administration department. The most impressive thing for this 3.94 GPA winner was helping MSMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Among the programs I designed is Creativepreneur Local Youth Innovation. “The program was re-innovated by the Entrepreneurship Innovation Lab which took place in 2021 when the pandemic occurred and many MSMEs were in decline,” he said.

Besides providing training, he and his team also analyze problems from a financial perspective and analyze business strategies.

“This program can facilitate more than 100 MSMEs and collaborate with the largest marketplace in Indonesia,” said the student who completed his studies in 3 years. (AI&OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)