UB Becomes the Host of AWMM 2024, Fosters Entrepreneurship of 443 Students

UB Hosts AWMM 2024, Fosters Entrepreneurship of 443 Students

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) for the third time hosted the Independent Student Entrepreneurship Academy (AWMM). Namely part of the Independent Campus program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to develop students’ entrepreneurial skills and spirit. AWMM UB 2024 was opened on Monday (09/23/2024) at the Auditorium Building.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship, Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, S.H., M.H when opening this activity said, this program is a real step by UB in encouraging the spirit of entrepreneurship among students, who are not only UB students, but from various universities.

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, S.H., M.H

“Students are not only educated to become workers after graduating but are directed to become entrepreneurs. Becoming an entrepreneur is not created just like that, but must be by design, prepared in such a way. So that it is expected to be able to create jobs, so that it can build the nation’s economy,” explained Setiawan Noerdajasakti.

Director of the Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono, S.P., M.P., Ph.D said, AWMM UB is one of the most popular campuses implementing the Independent Entrepreneurship program, with the number of registrants reaching 527 students this year, spread across all universities in Indonesia.

“Based on the quota set, the number of participants accepted is 443 students spread across 30 universities with various study programs,” he said.

This program has graduated 1,379 alumni from various universities spread throughout the archipelago and produced a total of 473 business ideas in 2022 and 2023. Many businesses developed by AWMM UB alumni have successfully competed on a national and international scale.

“We designed that according to the Main Performance Indicators of Higher Education, it is mandatory to produce graduates who work properly. One of them is the number of graduates who are entrepreneurs, because the index of entrepreneurial graduates is the highest compared to those who work and continue their studies. And this year, Directorate of Higher Education emphasizes the ability of graduates to be entrepreneurs,” explained Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono.

UB Hosts AWMM 2024, Fosters Entrepreneurship for 443 Students

For six months, AWMM participants were equipped with entrepreneurial theory and practice with mentor partners from OK OCE and the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI). The winners will be given rewards in the form of capital and infrastructure assistance.

The Secretary of HIPMI Malang City, Hendi Suryo Leksono said that the collaboration between HIPMI and UB that has been running for three years includes providing mentors, internship places, facilitating cooperation with industry, and being directly involved in mentoring and judging.

“We are pleased with this collaboration because it is in accordance with HIPMI’s vision and mission in increasing the number of entrepreneurs, and in our opinion the increasing number of entrepreneurs means that Indonesia will also be more advanced,” he said.

The following are 30 universities and the number of students participating in AWMM UB 2024. Universitas Madura (8 people), Universitas Wiraraja (3), Universitas Trunojoyo (2), Universitas Annuqayah (1), Universitas Islam Malang (84), Universitas Brawijaya (59), Universitas Merdeka Malang (43), Universitas Islam Blitar (62), Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan (18), Universitas Negeri Surabaya  (84), STIE Malangkucecwara (6), Universitas Wisnuwardhana (3), Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (3), Universitas Widya Gama (1), Universitas Terbuka (1), Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat (13), Universitas Insan Budi Utomo (12), Institut Teknologi Sains dan Kesehartan RS dr. Soepraoen Kesdam V BRW (4), Universitas Negeri Malang (7), Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (4), Universitas Halim Sanusi (1), Universitas Pelita Bangsa (2), Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (1), Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang (1), Universitas Kahuripan Kediri (7), Universitas Islam Kadiri (2), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (1), Universitas Jember (5), Universitas KH A Wahab Hasbullah (2), dan Univrsitas Pattimura (3). [Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]