UB Receives Working Visit From UNAND Discussing Human Resources, Protocol, and Public Information Disclosure

On Monday (5/13) the Information and Public Relations Division (DIK) of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) received a visit from Andalas University (UNAND). The group was received at UB Senate Room, 2nd floor of the Rectorate Building.

The working visit from UNAND was intended to exchange information related to the management of Public Relations, Protocol, and Public Information Disclosure. The group consisted of five people including the Secretary of the University (Sekun) UNAND, Dr. Aidinil Zetra, Head of UNAND Public Relations, Protocol, and Public Information Disclosure (KIP) Office Dr. Ernita Arief, and Head of Public Information Services Rina Kurnia, S.Kom.

The UNAND group was received by the Secretary University of UB, Tri Wahyu Nugroho M.Si accompanied by the Head of DIK UB, Zulfaidah Penata Gama, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. In his speech, Tri Wahyu welcomed the UNAND group. Furthermore, Tri Wahyu also explained the various organizational structures under the University’s Secretary.

“We welcome our friends at UNAND. Currently, UB is 3rd ranked nationally for Public Information Disclosure services with the Informative predicate for five consecutive years. Hopefully, the various information we convey can provide improvements to both parties,” said Tri Wahyu.

Furthermore, UNAND University’s Secretary said that this working visit was intended to share knowledge and information related to the management of Legal Entity Universities (PTNBH). UNAND wants to improve quality in various fields, especially related to Public Relations, Protocol and services related to Public Information Disclosure. [pon/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]