UB Accepts 3.662 Students from SNBP Route, 99% Accepted in the First Choice

Photo of VR I UB, Prof. Imam Santoso

The results of the 2024/2025 National Achievement Based Selection (SNBP) were officially announced online on Tuesday (26/3/2024). Brawijaya University (UB) was recorded as accepting 3,662 students from 31,368 applicants who chose UB on the SNBP route.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, M.P said, the number of 31,368 applicants consisted of 27,002 enthusiasts who placed UB as the first choice, and 12,575 enthusiasts who placed UB as the second choice.

Meanwhile, the number accepted in the first option was 3,653 people, and only 9 people accepted in the second option.

“Most of those accepted are those who chose the first option, since we provide the widest possible opportunities for prospective students to study according to their interests,” said Imam.

He also motivated prospective students to take the advantage of this opportunity. Since not everyone gets the opportunity to study at the best universities. And if this opportunity is not taken, the road to registering on the SNBT or Independent route will be closed according to the SNPMB provisions.

“If there are economic obstacles, UB has many financial aid and scholarship schemes. InsyaAllah, we will find a way out,” he added.

Imam explained the study program that has the most interest. From the Science and Technology study programs, those with the most interest are FK-Medicine (1,588 interested), FILKOM-Informatics Engineering (1,312 interested), and FK-Pharmacy (1,177 interested). Meanwhile, the Social Humanities study programs are FIA-Business Administration (1,697 interested), FH-Legal Sciences (1,630 interested), and FEB-Management (1,557 interested).

Whereas, for the most stringent study program from Science and Technology, namely FK-Pharmacy, from 1,177 applicants only 30 people were accepted (2.55%), FMIPA-Science Data from 341 applicants was only accepted 12 people (3.52%), and FK-Medicine from 1,588 Only 60 people (3.78%) accepted. And from Social and humanities, FEB Management received 74 people (4.75%) from 1,557 interested people, 61 people (4.84%) accepted by FISIP-Psychology from the 1,261 enthusiasts and 33 people (5.45%) accepted by FIA-Tourism from 606 enthusiasts.

The province with the highest interest was East Java, followed by West Java and the Capital City Jakarta. On the SNBP route, the number of KIPK applicants was 6,509 people, and 486 people were accepted. [Irene/Oky/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]