UB Signs Cooperation with Universitas Paramadina

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and Universitas Paramadina on Monday (10/28/2024) signed an MoU regarding cooperation in the fields of education, teaching, research and community service.

The activity which took place in the Rector’s Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Rectorate Building was attended by, among others, the Rector of Universitas Paramadina Prof. Didik J. Rachibini., M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Resource Management Dr. Handi Risza Idris, SE., M.Ec., along with two staff members Achmad Syahid and Abd Qadir Jaelani.

Meanwhile, from UB, in addition to the Rector Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc., the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, M.P.., Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation & Internationalization Andi Kurniawan, S.Pi., M.Eng.D.Sc, Secretary of the University Dr. Tri Wahyu Nugroho, S.P.,M.Si., Director of the Cooperation Directorate Agung Sugeng Widdodo, ST., M.T., Ph.D., and Secretary of UB Cooperation Directorate Muamar Khadafi, S.Kom., M.M.

On that occasion, the Rector of UP, Prof. Didik conveyed the intent and purpose of the group’s visit to UB, which included establishing cooperation, especially in the development of doctoral programs and research collaboration in the field of AI program development.

“We already have a postgraduate program, but there is no doctoral program yet. So we came here first, we asked for assistance for the development of doctoral programs, or there is a mechanism that can help us in the development of doctoral programs, especially we have public communication,” said Prof. Didik.

“And the second is, as conveyed by Prof. Widodo regarding research collaboration. Currently, our friends at UP already have an AI program. Which currently uses AI for their research, therefore we warmly welcome it if in the future there will be collaboration between UP and UB related to research related to AI,” he added.

Meanwhile, UB Rector, Prof. Widodo on that occasion warmly welcomed the collaboration between UB and Universitas Paramadina considering that in terms of quality UP is one of the leading universities, especially in terms of civilization and social culture which is currently needed by Indonesia.

“And I think, we are the same, maybe later on research collaboration, publications or others we will be very happy. And indeed sometimes it is quite difficult to find researchers with researchers, therefore later we can often hold workshops or seminars so that we can meet and strengthen collaboration,” said Prof. Widodo.

“And actually from the university there are already many vehicles to provide stimulants so that our young lecturers are willing to carry out collaborations both with domestic and foreign universities,” added the Rector.

At the end of the meeting, Prof. Widodo also welcomed the offer of cooperation from UP, especially in the development of AI programs considering that UB has also currently developed AI-based programs.

“It fits, this is very fitting, especially regarding AI development, we have an AI Center, have a supercomputer and also have experts in this field, we even have lecturers who are able to analyze X (twitter)”.

“So the supercomputer infrastructure is there, the AI ​​Center is there, human resources who are accustomed to data analysis are also there, so I think we can immediately carry out cooperation,” he concluded. (ron/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)