The socialization of New Student Admissions Universitas Brawijaya (UB) for the SNMPTN, UTBK-SBMPTN, and Independent Selection for the academic year 2021/2022 was held live on Instagram and UB Radio, Monday (22/02/2021). A total of 340 participants participated in this event.
The Head of Archives and Public Relations Subdivision, Kotok Gurito, SE said, for the national admissions selection, namely SNMPTN and SBMPTN, UB follows the schedule and provisions of the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT).
“The SNMPTN route has been opened on February 15-24. And until now there are 620 thousand students who have logged in, while those that have been finalized are 450 thousand students and 150 thousand others have not finalized, “he said.
Kotok continued, for the UTBK-SBMPTN route, registration for LTMPT accounts can be done on February 7 – March 12, 2021. Furthermore, registration will be carried out on March 15 – April 1, 2021.
The implementation of UTBK is carried out in two waves. The first wave will be on April 12-18, 2021 and the second wave will be on April 26-May 2, 2021. The SBMPTN results will be announced on June 14, 2021. Registration of the Indonesia Smart College Card (KIP) can also be registered, which can be seen on the page until 27 February 2021.
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Planning, Academic and Cooperation, Heri Prawoto Widodo, S.Sos., M.AB explained the UB readiness in the student admission process in 2021, both online and offline.
“With the various kinds of problems we face, because of a pandemic situation like this, we always try to prepare everything well. We are ready to wait for the presence of all of you in UB, “he said.
Heri explained the quota or capacity for UB, which is 30 percent for SNMPTN, 40 percent for SBMPTN, and 30 percent for Mandiri. UB also provides opportunities for students with special needs to study at UB on the Special Program Selection for Persons with Disabilities (SPKPD) which can be seen on the website
“Students with disabilities in UB will get supporting facilities and infrastructure, such as the Center for Disability Service Studies, which can help students with disabilities technically and mentally. Every building in UB also has facilities for disability access, both wheelchairs and various public facilities that are quite complete, “he said [Rachma / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]