After succeeding in the PERMATA SAKTI Program, this time UB is ready to hold an Independent Student Exchange 2021. The Independent Student Exchange is part of the Independent Learning, Independent Campus Program (MBKM) student exchange program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. drh. Aulanni’am, DES said, UB will start this program in the odd semester of 2021/2022.
“In the PERMATA SAKTI program in the last semester, UB has accepted 354 students from various universities all over Indonesia to attend lectures at UB. This time, UB is ready to send and receive students in the Independent Student Exchange program and UB also acts as the sending university, receiving university, and partner university, “she said.
This program can be participated by active 5th semester students, undergraduate PTN or non-vocational private universities. Student exchanges can be carried out between PTN-PTN, between PTS-PTS, and between PTN-PTS, regardless of PT accreditation, and can be done in the same or different study programs. This activity is carried out for one semester using the inter-tertiary course credit transfer system equivalent to 20 credits.
“UB will offer interesting or excellent courses to choose. We will still coordinate internally with the faculties / study programs and lecturers who are teaching courses, because the Ministry of Education and Culture has just socialized the program, “said the professor of Biochemistry.
The purpose of holding this activity are developing student soft skills so that they are able to mingle with various ethnic, religion, and cultural backgrounds to increase the value of unity and nationalism, as well as gain learning experience in other universities.
The main content of the Independent Student Exchange includes academic activities and social activities through “Nusantara Module” which consists of 4 types of activities, which are diversity, inspiration, reflection, and social contributions. By participating in these various activities, it is hoped that participants will experience diversity, increase motivation, innovation, and social creativity, increase the ability to reflect inspirational ideas, and increase awareness through social contribution activities that have nationalism and love for the country.
“The most important, this program can cover educational disparities and reduce the gap between one university and another, so that it is expected to produce human resources with the same good competence,” she said.
According to Prof. Aulanni’am, before the Independent Learning Independent Campus program, UB already has courses between study programs. “We already have 357 courses between study programs, for example a lecturer at the Faculty of Law teaching at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences on Fisheries Law. So that this becomes the provision for UB in supporting the MBKM program, “she concluded. [Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]