UB Submits KIM Book to Tanoto Foundation

Head of the Center for Student Welfare and Entrepreneurship (UB), Dr. Agung Pramana Warih Marhendra, M.Si handed over the book Student Innovation Work (KIM) symbolically to the Global CEO of the Tanoto Foundation, Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo, Tuesday (29/03/2022). This activity was carried out after the Corporate Dinner of Tanoto Foundation, which was held at the Tanoto Foundation Headquarters, Jakarta.

The handover of this book is a form of UB Student Affairs’ commitment to support various student development programs conducted by Tanoto Foundation.

The Expert Staff of the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Ilhamuddin, S.Psi., MA, explained that the KIM book is an anthology of writings sourced from the research results of UB students. There are 18 research titles compiled by 18 groups from various faculties in UB. The entire research was funded by Tanoto Foundation in the Tanoto Student Research Association (TSRA) program.

“Students have an important task to develop science according to their respective fields of study. The goal is that they are not only social controllers, agents of change (agents of social change), but students can also become drivers of change itself. It is hoped that this research by students can contribute to society. This book is also a stimulus for UB students to produce the best works for civilization,” explained Ilhamuddin.

Global CEO Tanoto Foundation, Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo expressed his appreciation to UB for continuing to partner with Tanoto Foundation to develop future leaders of Indonesia. The Tanoto Foundation also continues to develop various programs so that students who take part in the Tanoto Foundation Program get the best results.

Representing the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Alumni Dr. Agung Pramana Warih Marhendra, M.Si expressed his gratitude to Tanoto Foundation for continuing to contribute in student development. In UB, Tanoto Foundation provides scholarships and research funding for selected students.

This activity started Tanoto Foundation University Gathering together with partner universities. Nine partner universities were present, namely USU, UNRI, UNSRI, UI, IPB, ITB, UGM, UNDIP, and UB. [Ilhm/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]