On Wednesday (29/3) the Educational Development Institute (LPP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) carried out activities at the 10th floor of the Joint Service Building. The activity carried out was the “MBKM Program Development Workshop (Independent Learning Independent Campus) for Students with Disabilities”.
The activity was opened directly by the Vice Rector I (WR I) for Academic Affairs, Prof. Imam Santoso accompanied by the Secretary of LPP UB Dr. Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh and Chief Executive Dr Frida MPd. The aim of the activity is to provide opportunities for students with disabilities to participate in the MBKM program, develop adaptive and inclusive programs for students with disabilities, and map and provide various needs to support the MBKM program.
In his remarks, Imam said that he welcomed this event. In accordance with the national program, that maximizes students to be able to take part in the MBKM Program. There needs to be formulation and good governance. Students can participate in activities safely and comfortably. Partners also feel that they have benefited and provided good service for students with disabilities while carrying out MBKM activities.
This activity is very strategic and important. It is hoped that various MBKM activities can take place optimally. The rights of students with disabilities can also be fulfilled as part of UB students.
“This very positive activity is very strategic for various parties. For universities, this activity can support national programs related to maximizing the role of students in implementing MBKM. Students with disabilities can be used as part of getting the same educational services as others. The results of this activity are also important for partners to get the benefits of MBKM and provide maximum services for students,” explained the Professor of FTP UB. [ponda/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]