UB community service activity develops biogas technology in Tawangsari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency through Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) to create an Energy Independent Village.
Tawangsari Village was chosen to be the object of the implementation of this program since Tawangsari Village has various alternative energy potentials that can be utilized. Because geographically, Tawangsari Village, which is located at an altitude of ±1,000 – 2,500 meters above sea level, is very suitable for agricultural and livestock activities.
Agricultural activities there have commodities including: tomatoes, cabbage, mustard greens, chilies, carrots and shallots which can produce organic waste weighing ± three quarter tons per day.
In the livestock sector, Tawangsari Village has around 965 dairy cows, with a total manure produced weighing ± 19.3 tons per day.
Meanwhile, the food waste produced as a whole produces ± 3 quintals per day in one Tawangsari Village. This is one of the backgrounds of this program to be implemented.
The implementation of this activity received funding from 3 programs, including: Community Service Grant Program, Faculty of Law chaired by Prischa Listiningrum, SH, LL.M., Lecturer Works Program at the Faculty of Law chaired by Muhammad Dahlan, SH, MH, and Lecturer Cross-Faculty Work Program chaired by Sri Suhartini, Ph.D.
This collaboration began with the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Law, which was represented directly by Dr. Muchammad Ali Safa’at, S.H., M.H. as the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, which was represented directly by Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP as the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, and together with Miftahul Anwar as the Head of Tawangsari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency.
This activity will be carried out in stages, first the Community Service Grant Program Team will conduct research and academic studies regarding the opportunities and challenges of biogas regulation in Tawangsari Village.
This research and study will of course involve various parties, such as: Tawangsari Village Offiials, Village Consultative Body, Farmers and Livestock Representatives, as well as experts in certain fields.
After the research and study were carried out, the Lecturer Team of the Faculty of Law continued to focus on aspects of strengthening village institutions.
This strengthening is realized by the establishment of Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDES), which will later handle and manage the biogas potential in Tawangsari Village.
All governance and utilization will be coordinated one-stop within the BUMDES, so that later it will be easier for the community to manage and distribute the results from the use of waste into energy.
After the strengthening of community institutions through BUMDES, the Cross-Faculty Lecturer Team is tasked with providing assistance in the form of consultation and facilitation to study the potential for biogas development in Tawangsari Village.
Later the results of this potential study will be used as the basis for regulating and applying biogas technology so that the existing wastes can be used as alternative energy. (*/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).