Photo of Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Imam SantosoUniversitas Brawijaya (UB) received the Public Information Transparency Award from the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia as a Public Body with the qualification “Informative”. This award was received by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP, Tuesday (12/17/2024) at the Ballroom of the Movenpick Hotel, Central Jakarta
Through this award, UB has been recorded to have successfully maintained its predicate as an informative public body for six consecutive times, where this year it managed to achieve the third best national ranking with a score of 98.37.

Prof. Imam said that the information transparency award obtained shows that the governance, accountability, and transparency of Universitas Brawijaya are appreciated. So it is not only in the context of being part of the openness award event, but more as a continuous effort by the university to strengthen governance,” he said.
The former Dean of FTP added that one of the keywords or important points is how information related to UB can be known to the public in the context of accountability and transparency.
“Of course this is a very good capital for UB in strengthening its governance and is also an appreciation from the government for efforts related to openness, accountability, transparency, and strengthening better governance,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Information and Public Relations Division (DIK) Zulfaidah Penata Gama, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D explained that the award for public bodies in the informative university category is the highest assessment for the category of public information openness.
“The highest score is above 90 and every year we are always above that score. What is assessed is all the quality of information that has been submitted to the public every year, the service for requesting public information is also considered good so that the monitoring and evaluation carried out receive very good appreciation,” she said.
Zulfaidah added that the assessment of information openness is not only for universities but also BUMN, Ministries, Political Parties, and Provincial Governments.
“Hopefully UB as one of the public organizations will continue to improve its performance with indicators that are certainly measurable and even show its abundant and impactful contributions as directed by the Minister of Higher Education and Science and Technology that state universities not only contribute in the context of human resource development but also how their innovative research and higher education activities have an impact on national development,” said lecturer Zulfaida. (OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).