UB Becomes Winner of Paper Competition and Favorite Winner of  ICAVETS 2023

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) students won the paper competition and the favorite winner of the International Conference on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine for Students (ICAVETS) which was held by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Thursday (27/7/2023).

This year, from UB, there are two teams that pass as finalists in the ICAVETS 2023 paper competition, one of which is the team chaired by Roro Titah Pinasti who is fondly called Roro, consisting of four members namely Hanif Darmawan, Rayhan Wahyu Taufiqurrahman, Silva Cahaya Ramadhani, and Yafrida Fatkhul Jannah with lecturers supervisor namely Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, drh., DES. and drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Sc., Ph.D.

“The paper competition that Roro brought was entitled “GreenLiv Smart Building: Futuristic Building Innovation One Farming System Based On IoT and AI Solutions To Overcome Global Warming and Food Security In Jakarta”. The team is also a PKM-VGK team or PKM Constructive Idea Video which will receive Dikti funding in 2023,” said Prof. Aul.

In the process of this paper competition, Roro’s team had the challenge of continuing to participate in the competition in the midst of the Real Work Lecture schedule, namely Students Build Villages UB 2023. However, Roro has the motivation “have courage and be kind” which teaches the importance of facing challenges with courage and maintaining a good attitude, heart and empathy.

Therefore, the challenges that have been passed in the process of working on the paper competition can run smoothly which makes them win first place at ICAVETS 2023. (*/oky/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).