UB Wins “Hat trick” of 1st Place in KMI 2024

The Capunglam Team

The contingent of Universitas Brawijaya successfully won a hat trick of 1st place titles at the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Competition (KMI) Expo XV 2024 held at Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Wednesday-Friday (23-25/10/2024). The Best Stand 1st Place was CAPUNGLAM Cultivation Category (Early Stage), then 1st Place in Manufacturing and Applied Technology Category (Growing Stage) Your24.

Head of the Student Welfare and Entrepreneurship Sub-Directorate, Ilhamuddin Nukman, S.Psi., M.A said that this achievement exceeded UB’s expectations which only targeted 1 gold. “It was really beyond our expectations, 2 golds in student products and 1 gold in the best stand. Although there was no official statement from the committee, after careful consideration, no other campus got 2 golds like us,” he said, Saturday (26/10/2024). This KMI was attended by 287 state and private universities throughout Indonesia and 627 entrepreneurial products.

The 1st place of best booth UB was won by presenting five teams that qualified to participate in the KMI Expo. The five groups were “Your24” in the Manufacturing and Applied Technology category, second CAPUNGLAM in the Cultivation category, third “Hyper Strike Essence Fish Addict” in the Tourism and Trade Services category. Fourth, “Innovation of the Internet of Things IoT-Based Mini Aeroponics System to Support Sustainable Food Production”, Digital Business category and “Nema Production” in the Digital Business category.

The CAPUNGLAM supervising lecturer, Moh. Erfan Arif, SE, MM, told about the atmosphere of the expo. UB got a smaller booth size compared to other campuses but had the most visitors. Visitors who filled UB booth not only got an explanation of the themes of entrepreneurial projects but could try the sensation of fishing for catfish or get free collagen drinks.

Your24 Team

1st place in the Cultivation category (Initial Stage) CAPUNGLAM. Capunglam is a pioneering company in the vermiculture industry, dedicated to advancing sustainable agricultural practices through innovative vermiculture solutions. Specializing in the cultivation and processing of Anc and Lumbricus vermiculture, Capunglam leverages its expertise to produce high-quality vermiculture products that are beneficial to the agriculture, livestock, and health sectors that can be produced on a home scale. The team consists of Cahyo Ilham F.S, Dien Wahida Putri, Maulidatul Reva Dini, Adelia Sabrina Gunawan, Abbrogivani F.Z.F.

The 1st place winner in the Manufacturing and Applied Technology (Growth Stage) category is Your24. Your24 is an innovative aromatherapy air freshener business made from essential oils. Your24 products have been marketed in Malang and throughout Indonesia through the e-commerce platform, Your24 has also supplied the air freshener needs for souvenirs for the Indonesian Rectors Forum and also the Hotel, Restaurant, and Cafe industries. Currently, Your24 under the auspices of PT Jagat Aroma Indonesia is expanding its business with a Distributor & Reseller system, and also becoming a souvenir vendor for office events, weddings, and graduations. The team consists of Akza Yusri Rafiqi, Nathanael Eldrian Rumawas, Rizki Febrian and supervising lecturer Taufiq Ismail, SS, SE, MM, PhD. [sitirahma/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]


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