Brawijaya University (UB) Malang continues to strengthen the use of Clean Community Drinking Water Users (Pamsimas) in Malang Regency area.
The Community Service Team from UB Sociology consists of Dr. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, M.Si and Anik Susanti, M.Si. They made a breakthrough by activating the conservation values of local communities in improving water quality and management. So at this stage, the service team moved through a joint agreement in tidying up the management of river water used in Sumbersuko Village, Wagir District and Kedungrejo Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency.
Dr Ahmad Imron Rozuli said that studies regarding the quality and availability of water are important to preserve, especially in providing outreach about the importance of preserving water and integrating local community values.
“So, the existence of farmers will be helped in terms of water availability and clean drinking water for farming families,” he said.
During this community service, the team also mapped the water network for Pamsimas members and directly observed water source points. While participating, the service team also provided understanding to young people and housewives about the importance of utilizing family water waste and maintaining behavior not to waste water carelessly. The service team also conducted an online survey of PAMSIMAS customers.
A total of 33 respondents from a total of 250 heads of families as Pamsimas users, indicated that 85.8% of the water was used for cooking and washing. Then 72.7% of the water is used for bathing, and the remaining 66.7% is used by residents for drinking.
The Pamsimas service and management team also held discussions to assess needs and what could be done at this time.
“From this discussion, the idea emerged regarding online-based Pamsimas services, both in terms of information, online payments, number of customers, complaints, and others that have been provided on the official website,” explained Dr Ahmad Imron Rozuli.
The service team also held an FGD with Kedungrejo farmers in Genitri hamlet. This discussion forum was held with the aim of mapping the village’s potential in the agricultural sector and exploring the problems experienced by residents while pursuing their profession as farmers.
“Kedungrejo has the potential to become a Million Vegetable Village. “This is because the vegetable harvests in Kedungrejo are not only consumed by the local community, but are also sold outside Malang,” said Dr. Muhammad Muzakki, M.S.i, SDGs coordinator.
Meanwhile the Community Service team, Dr. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., M.Sc. said that one of the objectives of the program carried out by SDGs UB in Kedungrejo Village, which also intersects with the Doctoral Service program, is to increase the quantity and quality of water, especially in the agricultural sector.
“This is done to maintain and optimize the use of agricultural land so that it is not converted into residential land,” he explained, Wednesday (20/9/2023).
Ahmad Imron Rozuli stated that the objectives of the program carried out by the service team and the SDGs team in Kedungrejo Village include integrating agricultural irrigation systems, building community awareness to protect the environment, forming the image of the village as a clean village, overcoming limited fertilizers, and organizing better road access.
The chairman of Kedungrejo Village Farmers’ Group who was present at the discussion emphasized that farmers need to optimize the existence of Farmers’ Groups in the village. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct outreach to farmers regarding the importance of organizations in the agricultural sector.
In general, the important needs that farmers hope to be able to fulfill are the issues of equal distribution of subsidized fertilizer, availability of sufficient and smooth water with a good irrigation system, integration of farmers through institutions, and agricultural education to increase farmer capacity.
“Especially for agricultural management matters, in order to attract the interest of the younger generation in the agricultural sector, so that farmer regeneration continues to run well,” said Dr Ahmad Imron Rozuli. (FISIP PR/ OKY/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)