UB Ranks 501+ THE Emerging Economies University Rankings 2021

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) occupies 501+ in the Emerging Economic University Ranking according to Times Higher Education (THE).

The Head of UB Ranking Center, Adharul Muttaqin, S.T., M.T., explained that there are five pillars that influence the ranking, which are Citations, Industry Income, International Outlook, Teaching, and Research.

Industrial Income is the amount of funds that have been received by UB related to the research and downstream activities that have been done.

International Outlook is an international perspective in looking at the quality of UB.

These qualities can be seen from the lecturers, collaboration or international cooperation, publications, and also the interest of international students to study at UB.

“Therefore, the more networks that are made with international partners, the more it will make UB known so that they will be interested in working with UB,” he said.

Adharul added, that UB efforts to further increase the ranking are not easy things.

Nevertheless, the Faculty of Engineering lecturer hopes that he is grateful that UB can be included in the list of Times Higher Education (THE).

“Of course, this can be our provision to be enthusiastic and continue to be confident,” he said

Adharul also said that UB will optimally take data-based strategic steps in the future to be able to increase the achievement of scores on each pillar. One of them is the teaching pillar in which there is a ratio of lecturers to students and a ratio of doctoral graduates to undergraduate graduates.


“Hopefully we can make the best use of this large number of students to be able to produce great publication productivity and innovation,” he said. (OKY / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).