UB Ranks 1001+ Based on THE World University Ranking 2020

The Times Higher Education (THE) ranking institute in early September 2020 released a world university ranking covering 1,500 universities in 93 countries. As a result, UB is in 1001+ position in THE World University Ranking 2020 with 8 other universities from Indonesia.

The rating method of THE Ranking uses five pillars of indicators, which are teaching, research, citation, industry income, and international outlook.

The Chair of International Rankings, Prof. Dr. Ing. Setyawan Purnomo Sakti, M.Eng, explained that the results obtained by UB had improved scores this time in several aspects.

“Some of the contributors to the increase of UB score are Industrial Income and International Outlook,” said Prof. Setyawan.

Industrial Income is the amount of funds that have been received by UB related to research and downstream activities that have been done.

“If we talk about the business industry, there is an estuary for community use. One of the elements they choose from us is on the quality we can provide, the results of our research and development that we share will contribute and have impact on the industry, so they are also willing to provide funds for UB.

The provision of these funds is in the form of research funding, technology application, and other forms for the development of UB, including income from cooperation with industry, “said Prof. Setyawan.

International Outlook is an international perspective on UB, how they see the grade and quality of UB.

These grades and qualities can be seen from the lecturers, collaboration or international cooperation, publications, and also the interest of international students to study at UB.

“So that the more networks that are created with international partners, the more they appreciate it and they will be attracted here,” he said.

Setyawan added, that UB’s efforts to increase the ranking are not easy things. Even, he is optimistic that with the support for the quality and strategy set by the Rector, UB position can be raised. The participation of all stake holders, lecturers, staff, and students in supporting university’s work programs will further encourage UB international ranking.

THE university rankings assign Oxford University as the world’s 1st best university. For Indonesia, there are 9 universities included in THE 2020 ranking, one of which is Universitas Brawijaya (UB). [OD / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]