UB Begins to Apply Organic Mulch Tape Technology in Malaka



Universitas Brawijaya

Number 085/IX/2024

Malang, September 1st 2024


Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and Universitas Nusa Cendana (UNDANA) in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Malaka Regency, held a practical installation of Organic Mulch Tape (PMO) and Magnetic Induction Technology on Tuesday (20/08/2024), which took place in the demonstration plot of farmers in Harekakae Village, Malaka Tengah District, Malaka Regency.

The activity was carried out as a form of realization of the Matching Fund Program (PDP) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education with the title Circular Economy Model of Rice Production with the Innovation of Organic Mulch Tape (PMO) Magnetic Induction to Support Food Independence in Malaka Regency and was chaired by Dr. Ir. Rita Paramwati, SP., ME., IPU., ASEAN.Eng, as well as an effort to increase rice plant productivity, irrigation water quality, and the economic sector of Malaka farmers.

This activity was attended by many participants ranging from MBKM students, local farmers, agricultural instructor of Malaka Regency, Head of Malaka Agriculture and Food Security Service, drh. Januaria Maria Seran, along with Lecturers from Universitas Brawijaya represented by Dr. Ir. Gunomo Djojowasito, MS and Dr. Ir. Ary Mustofa Ahmad, MP.

The practical activities of installing PMO and magnetic induction technology were carried out with great enthusiasm from the farmers regarding the technology being applied.

“The results are not yet known for sure since it takes about 3 weeks. It is clear that the current application requires a lot of energy and time, because PMO is not yet in the form of a ribbon that can be rolled up,” said Gunomo as a representative of the MF UB-UNDANA Team lecturers.

He added that the PMO produced was still too thick so it required a lot of raw materials.

In practice with the community, Gunomo showed the procedure for installing PMO directly on the land. Similarly, Ary also practiced how to assemble magnetic induction technology that will be installed in the irrigation system.

PMO is installed in rows lengthwise between the rice that has been planted. The installed organic mulch tape will degrade over time and at the same time become good organic fertilizer for soil quality.

Meanwhile, magnetic induction technology is assembled and installed in the secondary channels of the agricultural irrigation system.

After the practical activities of installing Organic Mulch Tape and assembling magnetic induction technology, farmers are expected to be able to apply both technologies independently so that they can increase the productivity of their rice plants.

Universitas Brawijaya and Nusa Cendana University contribute ideas to build agriculture in Malaka Regency to become a superior regency with applied technological innovations that are environmentally friendly. (*/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).



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