The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya inaugurated 26 specialist doctors from various study programs such as Neurology, Emergency, and Urology, Friday (1/24/2025). This inauguration becomes interesting since it also inaugurates the first 6 specialist doctors from the Emergency Medicine study program. It is known that the Emergency Medicine study program of the Faculty of Medicine UB is the first in Indonesia.
Deputy Director of Syaiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) dr. Saifullah Asmiragani, SpOT.Subsp.OTB(K) who is also registered as a teaching staff at UB Faculty of Medicine representing the director of RSSA congratulated the specialist doctors who were inaugurated.
“We would like to congratulate the Emergency and Medicine study programs after struggling for so long to graduate the first six Emergency specialists in Indonesia,” he said.
Saifullah Asmiragani, SpOT.Subsp.OTB(K) also said that these 6 people have survived well in the most critical conditions in terms of disease management. In fact, 4 of the 6 emergency specialist doctors were immediately appointed as employees at RSSA.
He hopes that the newly appointed specialist doctors can devote themselves and their knowledge to the welfare of the community, especially in remote and isolated areas. This is as conveyed by dr. Rahmad, Sp.KFR (K) Treasurer of FK UB Alumni Association.
“We, IKA FK UB, advise you to always maintain our alma mater by acting and doing things according to your competence, ethics, and dignity as a specialist doctor,” he said.
Adding to this, dr. Rahmad hopes to be able to maintain the relationship between alumni and fellow doctors so that harmony is maintained.
He also said not to hesitate to consult when facing difficulties while practicing as specialist doctors. (ROM/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).