UB Inaugurates 24 New Specialist Doctors

FK UB Inaugurates 24 New Specialist Doctors

The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FK UB) inaugurated 24 new specialist doctors, Friday (08/30/2024). This activity was held at Graha Medika Building, FK UB. The inauguration procession was led directly by the Dean of FK UB, Dr. dr. Wisnu Barlianto, M.Si.Med, SpA(K). This activity was also attended by all leaders of FK UB, as well as the leaders of RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar Malang and staff.

“Today is the end of one journey, as well as the beginning of the next new journey. The end of the educational journey as a specialist doctor education student, as well as the beginning of a journey of service as a specialist doctor. As part of the extended family of alumni of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, it is our obligation to maintain the good name of our alma mater and profession wherever we serve in the future,” said dr. Achmad Aidil Tazakka, Sp.DVE when delivering a speech representing specialist graduates.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FK UB, dr. Wisnu Barlianto, revealed that in 2022, FK UB received the best award in UB in the field of international publications. This is supported by the achievements of students at FK UB. The Specialist and Subspecialist Departments of FK UB contributed 33 achievements at the national and international levels, including the best award at the 2022 International Laboratory Medicine Case Contest, the 20th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology in Conjunction with the 78th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Radiology (AOCR 2022 & KCR 2022), and AUSTEG Got Talent 2022.

Dean of FK UB Dr. dr. Wisnu Barlianto, M.Si.Med, SpA(K)

The Dean advised that in addition to always improving professionalism, specialist knowledge, competence and technology, a doctor must uphold medical ethics in every aspect of patient care.

“A doctor must have full responsibility for every case handled. This moment is the first step to provide real service in the field to implement the knowledge that has been obtained during education to become a specialist doctor,” said the Dean.

The Head of FK UB Alumni Association, dr, Aries Budianto, SpB, Subsp BD (K) also advised the graduates to always maintain the good name of the alma mater, maintain collegiality among alumni and fellow doctors, and maintain communication with the alumni association.

The Dean of FK UB congratulated one of the new specialist doctor graduates

The new specialist doctors who were inaugurated include several study programs such as Neurology, Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Dermatology Venereology and Aesthetics, Surgery, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Clinical Pathology.

The following are the names of the 24 newly inaugurated specialist doctors: dr. Irsyah Dwi Rohmayanti, Sp.N, dr. Indra Munthe, Sp.P, dr. Iqbal Muhammad, Sp.P, dr. Naufal Akbar Nur Hainuddin, Sp.P, dr. Haffidz Wahyu Aji, Sp.An-TI, dr. Jeffri Prasetyo Utomo, Sp. An-TI, dr. Dian Prima, Sp. An-TI, dr. Claudia Herda Asyari, Sp.P, dr. Hendra Tanuwijaya, Sp.P, dr. Rinni Sintani, Sp. An-TI, dr. Fransiscus Rivaldy, Sp.N, dr. Annisa Prasetyati Hapsari, Sp.DVE, dr. Rona Lintang Harini, Sp.DVE, dr. Intan Wasaputri Donoseputro, Sp.DVE, dr. Yulianda Maziya, Sp.N, dr. Achmad Aidil Tazakka, Sp.DVE, dr. Aditya Rachmat Febrianto, Sp.B, dr. Rizki Hardwiansyah, Sp.B, dr. Rita Sulistyaningsih, Sp.KFR, dr. Iftinan Amalia Rahma Suci, Sp.KFR, dr. Virginia Ainurridlo Nugroho, Sp.KFR, dr. Rosmince Beatrix Wattimury, Sp.PD, dr. Carla Pramudita Susanto, Sp.PK. [Dilla/Irene/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]

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